
Thursday, January 29, 2015

BUY THIS (So We Don't Have To): Frye Melissa Button Back Zip

I am always looking out for you guys so I thought I'd just casually mention that the Frye Melissa Button Back Zip in dark brown and grey are VERY marked down on 6pm.com right now:

I'm $156! That is ridiculous!

If you have your heart set on a black pair they're still under $200 but the real bargain is the dark brown and grey colors. They also have the short version which varies in price (the cheapest is $160) but the real bargain is those tall boots. 6pm.com prices tend to flutuate, so if you want these I'd grab them now.


  1. Dangit - I was too late! They're out of stock and back up to $239.

    1. I'm still seeing that two colors are $156! Just the dark brown and grey.

    2. PS. there are two dark browns - the "brush off" and the regular.

  2. Ahh this is amazing! I've been waiting forever to buy these, so thank you!

    For others looking to buy, the link doesn't bring you to the pair that is on sale for some reason. I had to search the site again for them.
    Here's where I found them:

    1. It's all on the same page, you have to click the individual colors to get the sale prices. Some are on sale, some are not.

    2. Disregard, the link does bring you to the right pair. You just need to click on the sale colors. I was too blinded by shopping panic to figure that out before.

  3. Thanks for the enabling. But I am happy to have found a nice, classic pair of high quality boots at a price I can handle. Sad thing is, if I add up the prices of all the cheap-y boots I have gotten rid of then these are a bargain!

  4. I have been hunting for grey boots and even looked at these the other day when they were not on sale. Yeah...thanks for the enabling.

  5. This inspired me to buy a pair of Frye Jane 14L's in Brown Oiled Suede (they were $138!! on amazon.com, but appear to have gone up slightly in price http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00385YJM4/ref=twister_B00260HAJQ). They are truly fantastic s&*%kicker boots.
