
Monday, June 1, 2020

Monday Mood: Taking A Moment.

It's been a really rough weekend for our country and things are feeling pretty sad around here. I'm going to take a few days off and will return with some (hopefully) uplifting Stuff I Like. In the meantime, please take care of yourself, your friends and family, and your local businesses. And please consider donating:

With a message from the artist @ellamoscoPLEASE NOTE that @mnfreedomfund has raised over $20 million dollars and is asking that you redirect your donations to @blackvisionscollective 
and @reclaimtheblock . If you’ve already donated to these organizations, here are a few additional ones you can monetarily support: @bailproject@fairfightaction@nonewjails_nyc
@freethemall2020as well as The National Bail Fund Network, North Star Health Collective, and Communities United Against Police Brutality.


  1. There is also info for Richmond-based actions at Richmond for All's fb page, and if readers want to donate to the Richmond Community Bail fund, they can do that at https://rvabailfund.org/donate. Over 100 people were arrested last night (check out @RVABailFund on twitter for more info). Peace to all- stay safe AND take action!
