Monday, September 30, 2013

Adrien: I'll Always Have Boots.

Ah, boots. The only thing that redeems the sad, slow decent into the winter months. I generally buy a new pair every fall after much research, Marianne-torture, and gnashing of teeth. This fall I found a deal on a pair of boots I've been eyeing for years - the Loeffler Randall Matilde. The very simple design really appeals to me and I love the look of a low wedge - it's a bit more flattering to the leg than a completely flat boot.

The issue was always price. The Matilde is really, really stupid expensive, though they do go on sale. In fact, they were recently very discounted on Amazon and I was considering a pair...until I checked eBay and found a great price on a pair in my size that was even cheaper than that. So I bought them, completely convinced they wouldn't fit, would be too big in the calf, teeth gnashing, etc. 

But they're great! Super nice leather, very comfortable. The dress I'm wearing is from the Gap (they have a fall version now and also this one is cute.) and my bag is, of course, my red MBMJ Hillier Hobo (similar red hobo here!)
Droopy cardigan! Of course.

I don't know if I've ever taken a close up of this craziness but man, I love this necklace. I recommend everyone have a big tassel necklace. It will complete you. (And ugh, this one is so pretty!)

One more look at the Matildes. If you love the style but not the price there are some good dupes available here and here.


  1. Fantastic outfit Adrien, one of my favorites on you!

  2. Ooh, I love those tassel necklaces!

  3. Honestly, those look perfect. Good job getting them on sale, and I understand how you could have had your eye on them for so long. I haven't looked at their the price, sale or otherwise, but it's nice to know when you finally work up the courage to do so, it's the right thing to do, isn't it? I've done a few of these kinds of "I'm not putting it off anymore" purchases and it's kindof good for the soul to decide not to settle for something that really doesn't fit the bill (and it's usually much more costly in the end anyway). Looking forward to seeing them with all kinds of outfits! And really nice outfit today, btw

  4. Perfectly polished! Those boots are gorgeous, but the necklace is really stealing the show for me. Is it vintage? It's perfect.

    1. Thanks! The necklace isn't vintage - it's from Ann Taylor from a few years back.

  5. Head to toe, this outfit is GREAT.
    That you got the boots for less is a real triumph too.
    Well done!

  6. Best outfit ever, hands down! I really wish it would get to be fall here in Texas. I have 3 pairs of boots that I am itching to wear. Btw, your hair is so lovely that length :)


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