Thursday, September 26, 2013

Marianne: Bootie Weather

Fine, it's fall. Fine! I don't like the cold but I will try to maintain a positive attitude! One positive: dresses with sleeves. I bought this old Tucker for Target dress for cheap on eBay and I love it (this collaboration was a million years ago, but you can spring for a real Tucker dress or pick up this less expensive, but similar dress). Another button-down, nursing friendly dress that's flattering to boot. I need to fill my closet with them.
And now, the other perk to this season: new boots! I found these Coclico booties (sadly unavailable, but these Coclico lace-ups are similar) on eBay over the summer and fell inexplicably in love. I thought they would be flattering, the color was great, and I love the wedge. And I was right, they are awesome and I'll probably wear them until you're sick of seeing them. Coclico is pricey (hence my eBay purchase), but these Dolce Vita Booties are under $80 and pretty dang similar, don't you think? And huh, these are even cheaper than that. Booties for everyone!
Enjoy my sock lines! I have to wear socks because it's cold in the mornings now. UGH.
So yeah, fall! Yay! Ugh. I do at least really like this outfit. I guess that's something.


  1. You look great! I wore one of my tucker for target dresses yesterday to work. But it was the purple and brown kind of brush stroke looking one.


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