Monday, April 27, 2020

Monday Mood: It's the Little Things.

Honestly, because my world has gotten so small in quarantine, the things that are working for me are pretty small things but that's okay. You gotta have something. Here's what's working for me this Monday:

This book which my mother lent to me. I'd never heard of Georgette Heyer but her Jane Austen-influenced stories are EXACTLY what I need right now. Just some witty, well-written (and downright funny!) Regency-era romance stories by an author that's new to me, which is always exciting because she was prolific. I'm currently reading Sylvester (who is a very Darcy-like character) and enjoying it a lot. Up next I have Devil's Cub which is the most ridiculous book title but it sounds like fun.

I've posted this one before but it bears repeating: this Mark Bittman recipe is a staple in my house and it's a delicious, easy weeknight meal that takes no time at all. I usually serve it over rice with a side of roasted broccoli. I make it pretty much as written, though I usually just use 1lb of shrimp but I don't adjust the spices. If you have smoked paprika, add some of that too! If you only have regular (not hot) paprika, add a few pinches of cayenne pepper.


The Sephora sale was disappointing so instead I used some credit I had at Credo to order something frivolous- the Westman Atelier Lit Up Stick. Y'all, this dumb thing is exactly what I needed. The packaging feels expensive and weighty and the lid is magnetic, which I love. The product itself feels soothing like skincare and leaves a really natural lit-from-within highlights. It's a lovely product and now I want to try more of Gucci Westman's stupidly expensive line. (Apparently the brushes are really good.) 

Finally, Killing Eve is BACK. Season 3 started a few weeks ago with perfect quarantine timing and it's giving me life every Sunday night, which is exactly when I need it. I hope y'all are watching it because Villanelle's outfits are so amazing and over-the-top. Also, Jodie Comer's skin is ridiculous. RIDICULOUS. 


  1. I am always thrilled when someone discovers Georgette Heyer. She is absolutely one of my top comfort reads. I have been on a Heyer rereading binge ever since this pandemic started. Cotillion is good and so is The Unknown Ajax. Basically, they all just make me happy and that is what is needed these days.

    1. Thank you! This is definitely what is needed these days.

  2. I *love* Georgette Heyer, too, and came here to recommend Cotillion, but I see that Jennifer got here before me. The Grand Sophy is on my to-read list and is supposed to be one of her best. I just finished one of her mysteries not long ago. Called Why Shoot a Butler, I found it engaging but not taxing to read. Just perfect for the current environment.

  3. I had never heard of Georgette Heyer either. I see there's also an old black and white movie based on one of her novels available on YouTube: The Reluctant Widow. I guess the distinction with Austen is that she was writing about her own era, whereas Heyer is doing a pastiche of the genre a couple of centuries later.

    1. Yep, for sure. I'm curious about the movie, thanks!

  4. Jodie's skin is actually distracting!


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