Thursday, April 8, 2021

Stuff I Like: Last Minute Edition!

I am down to the wire on my move but I've been saving up a few things to tell you about that have been making me happy lately. Here you go:

This Book That Is Another Austen-World Winner
You guyyyyyys. If you're an Austen fan (specifically Pride and Prejudice) this is one for you. The Clergyman's Wife by Molly Greeley follows the story of Charlotte Lucas after she marries the dreadful derp that is Mr. Collins. It's a quiet and devastating little love story and is so beautifully written that I forced myself to put it down after each chapter to make it last longer. (I then immediately started reading her second book, which is about Anne de Bourgh.)

This Silly Gadget That You Definitely Need
My favorite body lotion has been Aveeno for years. it's just so good, it doesn't smell gross and it's really thick and moisturizing. However, because it's so thick, the pump stops working when the bottle is still 1/4 full. This drives me batshit crazy and I end up pulling out the pump and thumping the bottle against my hand and...globs of lotion everywhere. I HATE THIS SO MUCH. So, when the Internet was like, don't you want this dumb thing that you can screw onto your lotion and flip upside down? I was like YES I DO and bought it so fast. It arrived quickly and it's WONDERFUL. Literally just does what it claims to do. You can of course use it for honey and other foodstuffs but I am here to tell you that this is how you get the last bit of conditioner or lotion out of the bottle. it's worth every penny. I bought it directly from the website but you can also get it on Amazon

This Eyeliner That Might Replace My Favorite
My favorite eyeliner has been Urban Decay 24/7 for a long, long time. It's not cheap though and lately I've been running very low on a lot of my UD liners including Stash, a golden olive green color. So, the last time I was at Target I picked up a NYX Epic Wear Liner Stick in All Time Olive and y'all, it's really good! It's a waterproof gel-type liner pencil and the color is beautiful. My only beef is that the lid is crap and won't stay on, but I switched it out with an old UD liner lid and now I'm good to go. The best part: $8 instead of $22. I am not wearing a ton of makeup these days but I do like my liner and mascara, so this has been a fun cheap-and-cheerful find. (I want more colors, naturally.) 

This Netflix Doc About The Meaningful Things We Wear
A friend of mine texted me about this new documentary series on Netflix called Worn Stories and I absolutely love it. (Thanks, Francine!) Every episode follows different people's stories based around one pivotal item of clothing. It does a great job of being diverse and deep but also kind, which is definitely what I need right now. It's based on a book by Emily Spivack which of course I want to read as well. Enjoy! This series is a delight. 


  1. Ooooh. I like every single one of these recommendations. Thanks for making the time before your big move. And good luck! Portland is magical.

  2. Regarding Worn Stories, 99% Invisible did a podcast series about things like pockets, buttons, etc. called "Articles of Interest". Worth checking out.

    1. Yes! It made my list of favorites. :)

  3. OMG I also do the "take the pump out and whack the bottle on your knee" dance with Curel lotion. Although the bottle is so tall that I wonder if it will fall over despite the little tripod thingie.

    You are a font of useful information.

    1. Worth a try, I think. The tripod thingys are pretty sturdy.


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