Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Outfit of the Day: New Jeans and a New Life.

That title is pretty intense, eh? It's not my new jeans that are life-changing it's my news: I am moving to the Portland, OR area next month! My boyfriend's job is transferring him there and I'm going with him. I have only ever lived in Richmond, VA, so this is pretty huge for me. I'll be taking some time off from the blog while all of this is happening but then I'll be back with some fresh PNW content. (And if you're from the area, I need your recs, please! For, like, everything.)

Now, on to more mundane things, like having a pair of jeans that fits. Like a lot of folks, I have gained an unexpected amount of weight in the last year, so a really good chunk of my wardrobe doesn't fit right now. Rather than continue to feel bad about it, I'm just trying to live in my current situation and that situation needed a pair of cute, straight leg blue jeans that actually fit me comfortably. Crazy, I know. Marianne recently found a pair of the Madewell Slim Straight on Poshmark and loved them, so I immediately tracked down a pair too. (Ever the creeper, right?) Here you go:

They don't actually make the slim straight anymore but this current style is really similar (and is actually what I wanted to buy...when they go on sale) and I also love this style but they're out of my size. My t-shirt is another Quince purchase and it's fine. The style is a bit slimmer of a cut than I was hoping for but it's a decent gray tee - nothing to complain about, just not magical. 

This is my Gap utility jacket back from when I bought a bunch to review. It's a great lightweight layer and so comfortable! The old link to mine claims it's sold out so I linked to the newer version which looks like the same exact jacket? Who can say. There's also this cute quilted utility jacket which is a bit more fashion. On to details:

I'm wearing a tiny compass pendant similar to this one and also my beloved labradorite tassel necklace by Dean Davidson. There's nothing even remotely similar, but I thought this tassel necklace was striking. 

Finally, I'm carrying my Miu Miu bag (reviewed here) which is probably my favorite thing I own. This Cole Haan turnlock bag is probably the most similar! My leopard flats are Madewell from last year, but this pair is pretty cute and these loafers are the same print as mine. 


  1. Ooh how exciting! BTW bought that New Wash and massager thing on your say-so. Will see how it goes! My sis and BIL are in Portland and love the outdoorsy lifestyle. Biking is a huge thing--you are going to love it!! Congrats on this Big Decision!

  2. Congrats Adrien! I live in Seattle and I think you'll love the PNW -- Portland is a great city and so fun for outdoorsy pursuits. I think you look wonderful -- now and always -- looking forward to hearing about your new adventures!

  3. How exciting, and terrifying :) Best wishes on the smoothest of moves.

    1. Ha, it's completely terrifying! But I'm excited too.

  4. I’m in Portland! What do you want to know? Do you know where you’ll be living?

    1. We don't know yet! We'll be flying out very soon for a neighborhood scouting trip, but it'll probably be a suburb, as we're mostly priced out of the really cute city neighborhoods.

      Eventually I'd love some recs for a salon (hair, face, etc), doctor, vet, dentist, good food, cool places, all of it!

  5. that is exciting news! I look forward to seeing Portland/a new city through your eyes!

  6. Congratulations on your big news! Portland is lovely. I live in Washington state, and we used to go down there often pre-Covid. Lots of outdoorsy things to do, and the coastal areas are beautiful, too, and only an hour or so from Portland. And no sales tax on purchases!

    As a native of the PNW, here is my biggest tip: buy all your coats with hoods. No one who actually lives here uses an umbrella. That is the biggest giveaway that someone is not from here. :)

    1. Ooh, that's a great tip, thanks! And it works out because I loathe umbrellas.

    2. haha, I came here to give this same tip! Hi from Seattle! +1 on water-resistant jackets with hoods.

    3. And I came to give the same advice about raincoats with hoods :) (From Tacoma) I don't find the winters very cold in the PNW (probably because I grew up in Minnesota), but very damp/chilly. Water resistant options are essential.

  7. Ok, I’m here for your questions 🙂

  8. Wow, that is EXCITING! I've only visited, but it was beautiful and stimulating, and I hope you love it. We will wait patiently until you have settled in a bit.

    1. Thanks! I'm not leaving for a few more weeks, so I'll be posting sporadically.

  9. that's awesome! never been but i've heard great things if you're an outdoorsy person!

  10. What fun and exciting news!! That comment above about coats with hoods? Yeah. I was in Seattle on vacation 2 summers ago and I was the only one with an umbrella.

  11. Hooray and good luck with the move! I live in the PNW (BC, Canada) and it's great once you get used to the rain. Can't wait for your first review of rain jackets ;)

  12. Hooray and good luck with the move! I live in the PNW (BC, Canada) and it's great once you get used to the rain. Can't wait for your first review of rain jackets ;)

    1. Sigh, the rain. I am a sunny weather person but I do love rain jackets...

  13. Best of luck! Always both exciting and scary to move to a new place. But now that I am close to retirement, look forward to moving around once I actually retire as there is so much out there to see!

  14. BTW, my favorite purchase ever (and one I use constantly) was also the athleta lined reflective tights. I actually looked for another pair and they no longer are on the sight. Overall, I prefer lululemon but these tights are the best!

    1. They're my favorite tights too! You can still find them (NWT) on eBay and Poshmark, but they're popular so I'm sure Athleta will bring them back.

  15. Welcome to the PNW! There is so much to do and see here - you'll be close to rainforests, deserts, oceans, and mountains. So many opportunities for cute outdoor gear :)

  16. Good luck with the move! Very exciting. I live in Vancouver, Canada, so yeah, coats with hoods. I am selfishly looking forward to how you are going to fashionably deal with the rain.
    Portland is awesome! Lots of thrifting available. And no sales tax.

  17. I just left Portland (I lived in inner SE, where there is SO MUCH good food). The PNW is great for food, biking, hiking trails, greenery, gardening.

    I would recommend Dove Vivi pizza, vitamin D, fluoride toothpaste (depending on what county you're in, there may not be fluoride in the water, and you will get cavities), and all the raincoats (I had four by the time I moved- Commuting, hiking, wearing out to dinner, winter!) If you can: get access to Adidas/Nike/Columbia employee stores, prices are much cheaper, and you will probably want to stock up.

    And not to be a downer, but I def found the PNW to be a lonely place, folks are nice but not friendly- the community I found was mostly transplants from other places.

  18. How exciting! good luck with your move preparations! Moving is the worst but new adventures are so exciting. I used to go to college in Salem and absolutely loved Portland and the PNW. I did miss the sun is very gray and dreary but luckily not too cold!

  19. Welcome to Portland (soon)! We moved back to the PNW from NC because water, ocean waterfalls, GREEN, the most amazing hikes, the best food - it's all here. I will agree, stop thinking of May/June as summer - we only get ours in July, but our Springs and Falls are incredible. The best part is, you can buy a raincoat and wear the heck out of it - I love Boden and Seasalt for our part of the world. But you'll almost never need a winter coat. And you can wear Blundstones 3/4 of the year and Birkenstocks the rest. Our food and produce is so good. Our green and beautiful blossoms - and Portland is less rainy and hotter than Seattle and Vancouver and I've lived in all of them - so it's the perfect balance for me!

  20. Yay! So exciting! I have no recs except this one dope seafood place named Jake's Famous Crawfish and obviously Powell's Bookstore.

  21. Longtime blog follower here & a transplant (albeit 8 years ago) to Portland from the Midwest. I just really appreciate the PNW lifestyle & have grown to love the rainy season. Even on the best vacations, I always look forward to coming back home. Incredible food, coffee shops galore, farmers markets, makers markets, lots of creative types, cool music venues, top notch wineries, summers are just about perfect, and you're never too far from nature. Portland also has a great airport w/ nonstop international flights to Europe, UK, Asia (we were getting so many more routes & airlines before Covid, but I think it will all come back). I live in southwest Portland near Multnomah Village. In this area, it's still relatively affordable, low crime, lots of trees/parks/hiking, and easy commute to downtown. Please don't hesitate to reach out if I can help!

    1. Thank you! I will definitely reach out for some recs.

  22. Oooh, I was hoping you were going to say Portland area -- it was my home forEVER before I moved to the coast. How fun! Huge congrats and good luck on the house hunt! (My best friend is from Virginia and a UVA grad, she's awesome and in Portland. So if you end up needing local Virginia friends in your new home, say the word!)

    1. Hey, thanks! (And sorry for the delayed response - for some reason your comment got sent to comment jail and I just saw it and unflagged it.)


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