Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Stuff I Like: Winter I Guess.

I just got back from our Thanksgiving week trip (Edinburgh and London!) and I'm having a BAD case of the Sunday Scaries. Wheee. I wanted to squeeze in a November post but I've just been too busy to pull it together and now it's nearly December. What happened? How is this possible? Anyway, I pulled it together here's some stuff I've really been liking lately:

This Yearly Thing Where I Get Excited About Socks
Y'all know I'm a sock fiend and I've been a big Bombas fan forever but I recently bought some Smartwool socks and dang, they are a game changer. Socks are not exactly exciting but once you start upgrading your sock drawer it's hard to go back. I got a few pairs of this style and they are delightful. Warm without being bulky, not at all itchy and this pair, my striped favorite, is very cute worn with Birkenstock clogs or peeking out of boots.

A Gift Idea For The Summer Person In Your Life
I've written before about my love of the Verilux light to combat season affective disorder but there are other options, like this cute moon light that's both useful and attractive and this one that's an alarm clock that wakes you up with a sunrise. The SAD lamp is one of those things you don't realize you need until you start using it regularly and then you're like..."Wait. You mean I don't have to live with a sad doom cloud hanging over me all winter? Cool." 

This Skincare Tip That's A Real DUH Moment
I read a skincare tip recent that was so stupidly obvious that I couldn't believe I hadn't thought of it. I mean, it's free, simple and really effective. Are you ready? Here it is: Wash your face for a full 60 Seconds. What? How was I not already doing this? But of course I tried it immediately. I double cleanse, starting with my favorite oil cleanser* and set a timer on my phone because a minute is actually a good chunk of time. I really get in there and massage the cleanser gently around my face so it has time to work. I started doing this every night last month and was legit surprised at how much better my skin looks. Amazing. *I bought this balm cleanser on vacation and it's really good, inexpensive and also works well as a first cleanse. Bonus tip: buy a couple of sets of inexpensive cotton washcloths and use a fresh one every day. 

This Movie That's a Pure Delight.
It's been a few weeks since I watched it but Quiz Lady on Hulu is still making me laugh. It's the goofiest movie I've seen in a long time and I loved it. It's got everything: Sandra Oh in a goofy role, Awkwafina in a straight role, Jason Schwartzman at his smarmy best and a real surprise - Will Ferrell playing a sweet, sincere game show host. Just go watch the trailer and add it to your list. It's not life changing or anything but it is a low-stakes fun watch. 

This Long List of Reading Recs (I'm on a roll!)
After a long run of DNFs and disappointing reads, I have found bunch of good books. Hits include: Midnight at the Christmas Bookshop by Jenny Colgan a sequel to The Christmas Bookshop which I wrote about a couple of years ago. I like the first one best but the sequel was really fun to read while I was in Edinburgh! Last month I read The Quiet Tenant by ClĂ©mence Michallon which was creepy and dark but very satisfying. I also re-read In the Woods by Tana French, my favorite of all her books. I’ve read probably three or four times now and I get something new out of each time. If you read it and was mad about the ending, consider a re-read. She subtly gives some real hints about the older mystery. Just saying. Currently I’m reading The Guest by Emma Cline (did one of you recommend it?) and so far I’m into it. 

That's it for now! As always, please let me know in the comments what stuff you're liking - books, candles, socks, whatever. I'm here for it. 


  1. Reading the Jenny Colgan book while actually in Edinburgh is my idea of Nirvana. She is so funny and so heartbreaking at the same time. Two recent reads that I recommend are Best of Friends by Kamila Shamsie, and Loot by Tania James. Both novels have roots in India and Pakistan. If you have any interest at all in the Great British Bake Off, Rosaline Palmer Takes the Cake by Alexis Hall is completely delightful and hilarious.

  2. Two books I liked recently that felt similar in tone were The Authenticity Project by Clare Pooley and The Sweet Spot by Amy Poeppel. They're light, but have lots of characters with interwoven plots.. I just found them very engaging and was excited to pick them up again each night (I read before bed). Also, did you read Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin? Ugh, it is next level. I am sucker for books about people who are obsessed with their work, and this book has that, plus a world rich with art, video games and 80s and 90s references. And it totally made me bawl my eyes out. In a good way.

    1. I did read that! I think I posted about it last year because I loved it.

  3. 'Quiz Lady' was such a fun watch - and I also read Loot by Tania James recently and enjoyed it. Brinda Charry's The East Indian is really well done historical fiction, imo. And I _inhaled_ Janice Hallett's The Twyford Code - her clever mysteries are my current favorites.

  4. Two books I have enjoyed recently were Dear Committee Members by Julie Schumacher. It’s very funny but maybe only if you work in academia? IDK, it’s a bit niche humor but it is spot on. The other which I LOVED is called Man at the Helm by Nina Stibbe and the narrator, who is a young girl, is so great. At the moment I’m re-reading Coming Hime by Rosamunde Pilcher for probably the twentieth time.

    A new product I tried recently loved is Bobbi Brown’s Vitamin Enriched Face Base, a combo moisturizer and primer. It makes my skin feel really good and my makeup sit nicely on my skin and it smells a bit like lemon custard, so it’s always pleasing to put on.

    1. I love Coming Home - I've probably read it four or five times at this point! I'm also intrigued by the BB moisurizer/primer. Do you put sunscreen on before or after?

    2. I put sunscreen on before, mostly because I think putting it on after would mess up the primer effect of the BB product. I let the sunscreen sit for about five minutes before adding the primer on top.

  5. The mystery book about Dublin sounds interesting! If you like that sort of thing and haven't checked out the show Scott and Bailey, you definitely should. It's a bit dated now but is about two female detectives in England solving cases.


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