Let's take a momentary break from Fashion! and talk about my skin. I used to have nice skin, you guys. And then I got knocked up, and ever since, it's been just sad.
I have tried a million different creams and serums and finally stopped using anything other than Dove Sensitive Skin soap. This actually improved things, but my formally nice skin still looks like this:


THIS ONE TOO! Please to be ignoring the super hot strap of my industrial German nursing bra.
Anyway. My skin, it's not good y'all. And to be honest, I am starting to feel pretty desperate about the whole thing. This desperation is probably why I spent $40 on the world's tiniest bar of soap.

People, this is the
Wonderbar. It's made from herbs and spices and fancy clay. And according to the
internet, who I tend to believe about this stuff, it is going to make my skin nice again.
You use the
Wonderbar on clean, dry skin, so I washed off my make-up with my usual Dove Sensitive Skin soap. Then I lathered up the

And massaged it on to my dry face.

Lulu was very interested. And I just noticed that she is playing with a box of tampons. Excellent mothering, Marianne! Next I'll let her chew on my razor.

Guess what's weird? Having your picture taken while you are washing your face. Also, hello again, Teutonic Nursing Bra!

I have to admit, after leaving the soap on my skin for the requisite 3 minutes, then rinsing, my skin felt incredible. Soft and smooth other than the, you know, zits. I think I'll take weekly update pictures, just because if I don't justify spending $40 on a hotel bar-sized soap, I won't be able to live with myself. SO! Watch this space for more thrilling pictures of me washing my face! OH SO CAPTIVATING.