Thursday, April 1, 2010

Marianne: A Beltervention?

Okay, I think my obsession with belts is reaching problematic levels. I am very close to becoming a Cinch It girl.

But I just can't help it. Call it the answer to 10+ months of not having a waist during/after pregnancy. After seeing how much I loved the striped version of this dress, I had to have it in royal blue. I loooove it with my new French Connection belt. And no, I'm not sure why I'm cocking my hip out like that, it makes the hem look uneven. Oh well.
We're right in the middle of that weather that's impossible to dress for. Here is the sweater I threw on this morning, but I was still cold (of course then I was sweltering in the sweater by lunch, so):

dress: Old Navy
belt: French Connection
boots: vintage Justin
sweater: The Original Inc.
sunglasses: Jill Sander
bag: Marc Jacobs Sophia


  1. I sooo get the thing for belts now. Somehow I went from a 31-41 pre-pregnancy waist to hip ratio to a 30-37 postpartum ratio, and I need all the help I can get to not be a rectangle. Cinch it!

    Also, I will send you my address and a year's supply of the baked good of your choice, and you will send me those boots. Pretty please.

  2. I love the brown with that dress. I wore mine yesterday but used a vintage silk red, blue and yellow Library of Congress scarf as a belt and wore red Mary Janes.

  3. Lisa, very cute!

    Grims, those boots were such a find. I bought them on eBay from a seller that had purchased an old shoe shop, so they were brand new, but from the 70's!

  4. So're telling me you WON'T be sending me those boots? Did you not read the part about the baked goods?

  5. Girl, I have to keep that waist!! :)

  6. Is that Chuck and the pony I see in the background?

  7. Good eye! It is indeed. And Lulu, too.


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