That feeling when you post about something you loved (and didn't purchase) and then stumble across it at the thrift store in your size three years later (and purchase!) I have worn the obnoxious shit out of this J.Crew sweatshirt and wasn't intending this to be a blog outfit but then I decided it should be:
Thursday, June 30, 2022
Outfit of the Day: East Coast Represent.
Wednesday, June 29, 2022
My Advice: Just Ask Next Time.
So, you know that thing when you're out somewhere and you see someone wearing THE BEST DRESS (an emerald green, midi length, tiered sundress) and they just look so perfect and breezy in this very good, but not super unusual, dress and you think to yourself, I shall find this dress online when I get home and buy it.
Ha. OR.
You will spiral into a Google void of green dresses and onboard your blog partner to also look and what happens is, you never find that dress but the most similar version is $265 because of course it is. (Marianne says that when this happens to her the item is either really cheap or really expensive.) Anyway, in all our searching we did not find THE dress but we did find a lot of other cute dresses that almost fit the criteria. Wanna see?
Monday, June 27, 2022
Reproductive Rights are Human Rights.
Are you mad? I'm MAD. The news last Friday about Roe V Wade being overturned felt like a gut punch and I've been reading everything I can to figure out what to do next, where to donate, what organizations to support. Today, instead of a list of shit to buy, I'm giving you a list of links to check out to help spread useful information in the fight for reproductive rights. (Note: there are no affiliate links in this post.) Here we go:
- ALCU's list of reproductive freedom sites
- 10 Abortion Rights Organizations Accepting Donations to Support Their Fight
- Fashion brands that support abortion rights
- THE OUTRAGE is on a mission to raise $1 million for organizations that fight inequality. (Progressive apparel, 100% of net proceeds are donated.)
- How Fashion Brands Are Standing Up for Reproductive Rights
- Lululemon, Fenty Beauty, Goop and Glossier Voice Support for Abortion Access
- 7 Organizations to Donate to as Roe v. Wade is Overturned
- Where to Donate to Support Abortion Access Right Now
- The growing list of companies covering abortion travel costs*
*I have serious privacy concerns about this trend, but at least it's showing which companies are pro-choice. Maybe.
Please feel free to post other useful resources in the comments!
Friday, June 24, 2022
Weekend Window Shopping: PNW Beach Vacation.
Y'all, I'm so dumb. We rented a beach house for the week on the coast and I thought I'd need a new swimsuit. Hahahahaaa. I didn't even end up packing one! The coast here is cold and windy and has absolutely the most beautiful beaches I've ever been to. We spend the week walking miles of windswept beach, hunting agate and laughing at how freaking cold the water is. I am very, very glad I kept those EVA Birks, by the way! They are perfect beach shoes.
Anyway, I thought it would be fun to post a few of my MVPs from this trip (and also the returned swimwear which would have been great... if I'd needed it) even though a few of these are things I posted about recently. It happens.
Monday, June 20, 2022
BUY THIS (So We Don't Have To): This Madewell Sale I Can't Ignore.

Friday, June 17, 2022
Weekend Window Shopping: H&M Home
Okay, this is good. Did you know that H&M sells home items on the website? I had no idea until my youngest sister gave me some excellent cloth napkins and told me about H&M's best kept secret. So, today, let's explore H&M Home, shall we?
Thursday, June 16, 2022
BUY THIS (Because We Already Did): Warm Weather Favorites.
Summer seems like it might actually start any day now here in the PNW (LET'S GOOOOO) so I thought I'd talk about a few of my favorite warm weather favorites:
Okay, first of all I want to thank all of you who enabled (some might say bullied) me into keeping my red EVA Birkenstocks. You were right, okay? They're pretty great. I wear them before and after bike rides and will be taking them to the beach next week where they'll come in very handy if the temperature gets above 60. (HEAVY DRAMATIC SIGH.) Anyway, they come in a bunch of colors and the red ones are on sale at Dick's right now which I'm telling you even though I've never had a good experience at Dick's Sporting Goods but a sale is a sale.
I also want to remind you that this packable hat from Madewell is a really good thing for summer and it's 30% off right now! You can crush the hell out of it and shove it in your carry-on and it'll be fine, I promise.
Also, I finally got to wear my cute tie neck top from Madewell and it's so good! It looks especially cute with my black and white Birks, just saying. It's sold out in a lot of sizes but this one is pretty similar and is also dang cute. Did I mention the 30% off sale?
If you want a reasonable, inexpensive swimsuit cut for an adult body, this one from Target is quite good. It's not too mumsy but it keeps everything where you want it and it's under $50. It also comes in a fun print, but I'm boring and got the black one.
I'm not normally one to push an expensive t-shirt, but this one from Wilt is really freaking good. The high-low cut is super flattering and it hangs beautifully. I've been wearing mine for several years (here it is last year) and still love it.
One from Marianne! She told me about this cute little summer tunic dress from H&M that they make every year in a variety of colors and patterns. It's inexpensive, loose n' breezy and hangs just right. It's short, but is longer in the back so don't worry about it. Perfect with flat sandals!
Are you wearing your sunscreen? Every single day? Please wear your sunscreen. This is my favorite one for my face (a combo of mineral and chemical). It has no cast and no smell. I'm on my fifth bottle of so you know it's a good one.
Listen, I know I've talked about this little belt bag already (outfit here) but it's JUST SO GOOD. I use it all the time and I am really, really trying not to buy it in another color. They keep coming out with new colors! It's quite rude. Anyway, it's under $40 and is the cutest, most convenient thing ever. Just get one and thank me later.
You know how body lotion is the worst chore ever? Like one more stupid thing you have to do everyday to keep from drying up like a husk? Well, listen. If you feel like skipping it occasionally, this is the way to do it. Get this amazing Almond Shower Oil and you will be clean AND soft after your shower. And! It won't make your shower a slip-and-fall hazard. I'm not sure why it doesn't, but it doesn't. Also, it smells nice (but not as nice as the Kiehl's Coriander body wash that I can't find anywhere. I will burn the store down to the ground if they've discontinued it, I swear to GOD. Okay, not really. I will send a mean email, though.)
Tuesday, June 14, 2022
Review: AGolde Parker Long Short.
Hi! So, here's the thing. Y'all know I love a bargain but sometimes you just have to throw money at a problem to find a really good solution. I posted recently about trying on fancy denim cut-offs at EVEREVE and really liked the AGolde Parker Long Short (more sizes here) but they didn't have my size. I went ahead and ordered a pair because they seemed like they might be perfect. Well, guess what? They are freaking PERFECT:
This is my super-casual look. I'm wearing the AGolde Long Parker with my favorite Vuori pullover (seriously the best lightweight layer) and my checkerboard Vans. These shorts are a perfect length: long without being too long so they make your legs look longer! And they have a higher waist with a button fly which I find surprisingly flattering. They're made of non-stretch, medium weight denim so they seem like they'll hold up well and will eventually stretch just the right amount without bagging out. For size reference: these AGolde shorts run true-to-size and I'm wearing them in a 29, which is my usual size for jeans.
*My birthday is in January but I'm afraid to tell EVEREVE.
Friday, June 10, 2022
Weekend Window Shopping: Boden is Good Right Now!
I've always liked Boden for the crazy prints but sometimes they lean a little (or a lot) too twee for my taste. Right now, however, they're balancing it perfectly. Here's what I love:
Thursday, June 9, 2022
Stuff I Like: Sparking Joy.
This Espresso Machine That Brings All The Joy
I seriously love espresso and after much cajoling (and a sale) I managed to convince my boyfriend that we needed this Breville Barista Express Espresso machine. It takes a bit of work to dial in but once you have it calibrated you are good to go. I am not exaggerating when I tell you the thing that gets me out of bed every morning is the Americano (or two) that I make for myself, a process I find deeply satisfying. Seriously, if there was a fire I'd have cats under one arm and my Breville under the other. I love it that much. It's fucking expensive but a few times a year William-Sonoma puts it on sale for $599. Worth every ridiculous penny.
This Book I'm Recommending Before I've Finished Reading It
I'm currently reading Black Cake by Charmaine Wilkerson and it's so good that I'm just going to go ahead and recommend it before I've even finished reading it. It's a multigenerational story "of how the inheritance of betrayals, secrets, memories, and even names can shape relationships and history." The writing is beautiful and the characters feel like real people. It's a good book to dive into if you want something really satisfying and evocative to read.
This Album That's Become My Summer Soundtrack
You know how when you become obsessed with an album and every time you listen to it later you remember that time? Well, Harry's House is my soundtrack for Summer 2022. I don't love every track on it but so much of it is excellent. It's the perfect, easy album to listen to while you drive around with your thoughts. Just let it float over and around you and enjoy. Also, this video of Harry and James Corden making the music video for Daylight is hilarious.
This Guilty Pleasure I Can't Not Mention
Y'all, nobody was more excited about the return of Floor Is Lava than me. The first season came out exactly when I needed it - mid-2020 when the pandemic had ruined all summer plans and my dad was in the hospital. I just needed a show that would allow me to turn my brain off and watch over-confident bros slip and take a header into fake lava. It's back with a (much too short) second season and it really delivers. The stakes are incredibly low and you have a cast that's easy to both love and hate. Plus, it's just so, so stupid. I love it completely.
Outfit of the Day: New Birks Day!
Hello! So, when I bought those big buckle Birkenstocks last month, I kept taking them out the box, trying them on and putting them back in the box. This is not a good sign. I returned them an ordered a pair I'd considered last year but didn't buy. Well, they arrived and I put them on immediately and haven't stopped wearing them:
Tuesday, June 7, 2022
Shopping Report: EVEREVE for Summer.
I went to EVEREVE to try on cut-off shorts since they had several pairs on the website with longer inseams. I don't know about you, but my 2.5" inseam days? Completely over. I'm tired of pulling shorts out of my business, y'all. Anyway, I went on a slow day and what happens is, they get you in a dressing room and just keep bringing you stuff to try on. If I'm in the mood I love this because it means I try on things I might overlook and also sometimes it's hilarious.
Friday, June 3, 2022
Weekend Window Shopping: Target Time.
I feel like Target clothes are a real option for summer. In the warmer months clothes tend to get wrecked anyway, so why not go cheap-n-cheerful? I especially love their swimwear, as they tend to have wearable and cute options that are surprisingly well-made.
ALSO, if you follow Carla Rockmore on IG you might have seen her post on how to style a particularly good Target dress. Y'all, she makes this dress look AMAZING. Dang. Anyway, here are some of my Target picks for summer:
Thursday, June 2, 2022
Outfit of the Day: Kinda Trying.
When my boyfriend came home from work and saw what I was wearing he asked if I had a lot of Zoom meetings that day. I did not, I'd just made the vaguest effort to not wear sweatpants. Cool cool cool. Anyway, this wasn't an outfit planned for the blog, just my effort to not be a garbage person now that I'm feeling better: