Friday, June 24, 2022

Weekend Window Shopping: PNW Beach Vacation.

Y'all, I'm so dumb. We rented a beach house for the week on the coast and I thought I'd need a new swimsuit. Hahahahaaa. I didn't even end up packing one! The coast here is cold and windy and has absolutely the most beautiful beaches I've ever been to. We spend the week walking miles of windswept beach, hunting agate and laughing at how freaking cold the water is. I am very, very glad I kept those EVA Birks, by the way! They are perfect beach shoes. 

Anyway, I thought it would be fun to post a few of my MVPs from this trip (and also the returned swimwear which would have been great... if I'd needed it) even though a few of these are things I posted about recently. It happens. 

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