Monday, August 24, 2020

Monday Mood: Stuff To Fill The Void.

Okay, like I mentioned last week, I've been making purchases to fill my sadness void (which is what retail therapy is, right?) and even though I know stuff doesn't equal happinesses, like, sometimes it helps? Anyway, I bought a few things last week that have legit given me some joy. First up:

Okay, don't judge me too harshly but I bought some knockoff EVA Birk sandals on Amazon because I keep walking out to the garden in my "nice" Birkenstocks and getting them dirty and wet. Why not some gardening clogs, I hear you say? Because...Crocs make me sad. Birkenstocks do not make me sad, so I got some Arizona-style sandals and I pretty much love them. When they die I'll replace them with real Birkenstock EVA sandals, but for $15 I thought I'd try out the cheaper version first. Note: they run TTS but I had to adjust the buckles to the smallest holes to fit me.

The other thing I bought was a new Kindle case because mine was getting really worn and looked gross. I wanted one with an easel, so I could read while I eat lunch, but I wasn't sure if that actually existed. Guess what, it totally exists! I bought this grey case but it comes in a ton of colors and fits my Paperwhite perfectly. It also has a stretchy handle for easier one-handed reading. It's a bit chunkier than my last case but no more than a paperback would be. Overall I am very pleased.

And since I'm talking about my Kindle, I thought I'd tell y'all what I'm reading. I had been reading Olive Kitteridge which is a big fucking bummer of a book so I am not going to recommend it unless you want to be really bummed out. Since I am already a passenger on the Big Bummer train, I decided to ditch it and check out some other books and settled on The Starless Sea by Erin Morgenstern, which so far I really love. I like books about books and also fantasy-type adventures, so this one is exactly what I want to read right now.

Okay, finally, I promised to report back on the Athleta Everyday mask pack and you guys were right - they are so good! The are well-made, comfortable and adjustable, and I love that the color range is basically all the same colors I tend to wear and my favorite is the camo mask, which I'm wearing above. They are perpetually back-ordered but mine came sooner than expected, so don't let that deter you. Has anyone tried the Made to Move masks? The reviews aren't great but I'm curious.


  1. Those Athleta masks are the best! I really wanted to support local makers, avoid mass-produced stuff etc etc so I’ve bought a bunch of masks on Etsy and local craft sites. But those Athleta ones are hands-down the best!

    1. Same! I've bought several handmade masks (and will continue to do so) but I also just wanted a bunch of everyday options.

  2. I hated Olive Kitteridge SO MUCH. It won the freaking Pulitzer AND was an Oprah book and basically won all the awards. HOW? WHY? I finished it because I kept thinking it would get better, but (spoiler alert) it does not. Ugh! High five for putting it aside.

    1. THANK YOU. I decided a few years ago that life was too short to read bad books.

    2. Since then I've decided the same. It might have been this book that pushed me over the edge.

    3. I think for me it was the double volume Connie Willis boondoggle Black Out/All Clear. I'm still mad at myself for finishing both.

    4. OMG! I bought both books bc they were freaking Connie Willis and Say Nothing of the Dog is one of my all time faves. Needless to say, I barely made it through the first and never cracked the second. I’ll check out The Starless Sea, based on your recommendation; I think I liked The Night Circus, but it didn’t make a huge impression.

    5. I love To Say Nothing of the Dog too! Connie Willis is usually reliable, but no to that craziness. (I haven’t finished The Starless Sea but some far, it’s great.)

  3. I just got the Athleta Made to Move masks and I HATE THEM SO MUCH. By far my least favorite mask I've tried yet. The nose wire is very hard to shape, so they don't fit my face well. The fabric on the inside bunches in weird and uncomfortable ways. I also get the worst glasses fogging with them. Save your money! I seriously cannot emphasize how awful they are enough.

  4. I got the Athleta masks, too - they're okay, but I prefer the Lele Sadoughi masks which are contoured to fit my face better. Did your Athleta set include all of the colors? I didn't receive a camo mask but got a second black mask instead.

  5. I loved The Starless Sea so much that when I finished it ... I literally flipped back to page 1 and read it again! And I hated Olive Kitteredge so much that after about 75 pages I took that puppy back to the library and said "Good riddance!" UGH.

    1. I am nearly finished and already in mourning because it's SO GOOD.


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