Friday, January 27, 2023

Weekend Window Shopping: Stuff I Want.

Ugh, you guysssssss. Thank you all for your kind and thoughtful comments. I read every one of them and I'm truly touched. I maybe cried a little? Y'all are just the best and just to be very clear: this is still fun for me and I'm definitely not over it, I just need to be able to give this new job my full attention. Plus, right now even simple things (getting dressed, taking a shower) take way more energy (both mental and physical) because of my non-weight-bearing broken foot. It's all...a lot. So, I'm going to take a little break and then I'll be back with monthly or maybe bi-monthly blog posts. We'll see! I'll also still post on the blog's Instagram (though my refusal to do videos is definitely not in my favor when it comes to the algorithm.) 

Now, how about one more Weekend Window Shopping? Today it's a little of everything with a theme of "stuff I bought, stuff I want" because always. Here you go :


  1. You're crying? I'm crying. Take the absolute best care of yourself because we all love you. I will now save money that I'm not happy about.

  2. I am not sure you know how much your work has meant to us, monologue or in the unbeatable dialogue with Marianne.

  3. The trench over the white outfit looks like a costume from Hamilton. Also, whatever iteration of this blog comes next, I am here for it. You feel like part of my friend group at this point.

    1. Hahahahhahahah okay now I can’t buy this trench. Thanks for saving me money. Also, I love this blog and will miss it so much while you’re away. Grateful for your time and sense of humor.
      Congrats on the new NEW JOB! And happy healing for your foot.

    2. I came here to say Hamilton, but knew in my heart someone would have already said it! :-) That said, I still love it.

    3. I didn’t see it when I posted it but now it’s all I see! (The other pics of it are less costume-y!)


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