Thursday, January 26, 2023

The Time Has Come, The Walrus Said.

Nearly thirteen years ago my friend Marianne had the idea that we should start a blog and share our funny email conversations about clothes and shoes and makeup and fashion because if we were cracking ourselves up, surely we could make other people laugh too, right? 

Also, why not post real, affordable outfit photos in which we smile instead of gazing at our toes? 2010 was the heyday of the fashion/style blog and we wanted to be part of it. 

In the thirteen years since a lot has happened: jobs, kids, serious illness, divorce, big moves, big life changes. Marianne, with two kids and a real-ass grown-lady job, relinquished the blog to me quite a while ago (though she still contributes in so many ways) and eventually our conversations moved from email and text to Marco Polo videos, so it stopped being easy to transcribe them and also started feeling a little over-share-y. A lot of what you originally came for is gone - the cute boys, the fashion snark, drinking gin in a ditch, the convo posts. These things all came to a natural end but it was super fun, wasn't it?

So here's what's happening. I just got my own new grown-lady job here in Oregon, which is exciting! I'd been working my old job East Coast job remotely and had worked there for nearly nineteen years(!) so this is a huge life change for me. What does that mean for the State of the Blog? I think it means it's time to re-evaluate. 

Before I tell you my ideas I just want to thank you all for reading, especially those of you who have been here since the beginning. I honestly consider you all my friends (and some real honest-to-god friendships have come from the blog! I feel so fortunate.) It's so nice to have an EXCELLENTLY smart and cool community of people who read what you write. I can't thank you enough. 

Now, time to talk. With the new job I won't have the time to post regularly and I don't want to be the blog that used to be cool but now only posts shopping links. It feels like that's where it's been headed and it bums me out. However, I also don't want to lose this great community! So, I have some ideas. Would you rather:

- Instagram for outfits and a monthly round-up blog post ("Stuff I Like" style with recs and reviews)
- Instagram only, with outfits in the grid and recs linked in stories
- Kill it dead, this blog has run its course

Vote in the comments! I'll also post a poll in an IG story so you can all vote that way if you'd rather. In the meantime, I'm going to take a break from the blog so I can focus on the new job and on getting my foot healed up. See you on Instagram! 


  1. I understand, but I'm sad about change. But glad to follow into the next iteration.

  2. Sad day! I need the blog! Even once a month. Will also continue to follow on Insta!

  3. I'm sad (because I'm selfish) but also happy for you. I'll take a blog post every month and continue following on Insta. Congrats!

  4. Love the first option! Instagram with monthly roundups. Thanks for everything you do ❤️

  5. Congratulations on your new job! I'd love to hear more about if you want and can share.

    I'm happy to do either of the options you offered, but I tend to click on links more in blog posts than IG posts; however, that being said, if you go to IG only then I'm sure I'll start clicking there b/c you have definitely influenced me and I've bought several things based on your recs. I do feel like this is the end of an era, though.

  6. First of all, and most importantly: Congratulations on the new job! Second: I have to say, losing this blog would break my heart a little bit. I remember when I discovered it and obsessively read every post back to the beginning. You have such a great voice and perspective and would often make my day with references to things I love but no one I know IRL would understand. So obviously, my vote is for continued posting, at whatever schedule works for you.

    1. I would just like to entirely echo this post as it is exactly what I was planning to write. From congratulations on the new job to my heart breaking a bit to reading all the back posts to following whatever you do next in whatever form. I have loved checking here to see your ideas and get inspiration. But I totally understand that it is time for you to move on, and I am super excited for you. (And a little sad for me.)

  7. If the blog continues with monthly roundups, I'll happily read them and like other continue to click on things. Either way I'll keep following you on IG, though that platform (and the way I use it) means I often miss posts from accounts that aren't giant brands / platforms.

    I miss the old days of fashion blogging, when it was almost all like you and Marianne! Real people in real outfits. It's just not the same anymore.

  8. Congratulations on your new job! I vote Instagram only, just because I spend more time there than with blogs.

    Circumstances change, though it makes me sad.

  9. I vote for Insta for outfits and monthly round up blog post! Congrats to you on the new gig. Thanks to both you and Marianne - I've learned so much from both of you over the years!

  10. - Instagram for outfits and a monthly round-up blog post, definitely. I really enjoy your blog.

  11. Congrats on your new job! I vote blog round-up please.

  12. Blog, please! I love it when your posts pop up in my Feedly feed - you are definitely one of my faves. Insta is for the kids LOL. Maybe a monthly (or weekly?) Links I Love post? Congrats on the new job!

  13. Congrats on the new gig! I would be happy with whatever you are willing to share.

  14. Blog blog blog! I love reading your posts. Do whatever's best for you, of course, and congratulations on your new gig. But know that anonymous strangers on the interwebz appreciate what you do and would miss you if you went away altogether.

  15. Congratulations on the grown lady job! As a fellow Oregon transport, I understand what a big deal that is and applaud your success. I will continue to consume whatever you provide, and although my soul will miss the frequency of your sharp writing and wit, my bank account would be better for it. Seriously have learned so much and benefitted tremendously from both of your influences.

  16. Congrats on the new job and I’d love any blog content you choose to share. This is the last blog I follow, so I’d be sad if it went away completely.

  17. Congrats on the new job! I think as long as you tell us where you are going....we will follow! You have always been a breath of fresh air

  18. Whatever works- but i do appreciate the wordier blog posts.

  19. Insta + monthly round up!

  20. instagram is dying! just post here when you can

  21. Congrats! I would love a monthly round-up blog post. I will definitely still follow on Instagram, but like others, I don't really use it fully (glad I'm not the only one!). Thanks for asking us and being willing to continue to share.

  22. Congratulations on the new job! I don't use Instagram much but would love to see the occasional round up of recs and reviews here when you are able.

  23. Love the first idea, Insta plus monthly if it makes sense to you. You were/are the ONLY fashion blog I follow and the only reason I ever thought I could do more "advanced" clothes. Thank you for that! I was thinking the other day how fortunate we are that this blog has lasted as long as it has. ❤️

  24. Monthly blog, please. I don't use Insta, life's too short. I live in a fashion desert. I've learned so much from you and have made dozens of purchases based on your recs. Thanks for all your effort, and congratulations and good luck on your new job.

  25. I’m old school. I like a blog. Almost every morning while having coffee I read the ones I follow. Just blog whenever about hatever. I love the outfit posts and stuff I like. Congratulations on the new job!

  26. I'm grateful for your past posts and super thrilled for your new future! You do what works best for you. Turn and face the strange, because the only constant is change!

  27. Oh man - option 1! I love your IG, but I am also an Old Skool blog reader and love your posts and recommendations. I hope my frequent purchases have contributed to your Athleta habit! :D

  28. Congratulations on your new job! I don’t have any idea how I found your blog a few years ago but I’ve enjoyed it so much. It’s fun to see your recommendations, read your thoughts, & I always enjoy your book suggestions!

    I’m not very good on Instagram although I do check it out. So, I’ll vote for a monthly roundup on the blog, plus Instagram. And now I’m off to find you there.

  29. Instagram plus roundup. But do whatever you have time/energy for. I’ve been following since 2013?ish and grateful for what it’s been, and happy for both of your next chapters. (But if insta included the occasional throwback convo post I wouldn’t be mad at it.) -AM from Instagram

  30. I too vote for Instagram + roundup! I miss blogs so much, but I can only imagine how much work it is, so you should just do what makes you happiest. We will always have the memories of Drinking Gin in a Ditch!!

  31. I will miss your blog, but I understand. I think Instagram works well, and I hope you keep your “stuff I like” posts there, because I love your book recs!

  32. Blogs will always be better than Instagram but I totally understand! We really enjoyed reading your blog! Thank you Adrienne and Marianne!

  33. Congratulations on the new job! I’d love to read any content you choose to continue to post here. Thank you for all the enjoyable and informative posts over the years!!

  34. Long time lurker here. I’ll follow on insta if that’s where you go! Thanks for all the fun content over the years. I will miss the blog but wish you the best whatever you decide. :)

  35. Congratulations on the new job! Like others, it makes me a little sad to think this little corner of the internet with your wit and humor may fade away. I would love to see continued blog posts at whatever schedule works for you, and I will keep following you on instagram. I appreciate your recommendations and actual wearable clothing reviews on a real person who tells it like it is.

  36. Oh, ooof. Epbot and your blog in the same week is a bit much for this old blogger's heart. Like others, I read here regularly. I didn't come every time a post was made, but I would stop by every few weeks and catch up. I have bought so many items from these links - much more than other blogs because let's face it, I'm well past my Holly Hobbie prairie dress years and you ladies never missed with the recommendations.

    I vote for the monthly blog post as well, as long as it doesn't become a chore for you. Thank you so much for the smiles.

  37. Congratulations on the new job! I'm going to miss your blog but I completely understand. I like the first option with monthly roundup and Instagram post, but I'm ok with whatever you have time to do.

  38. Insta plus roundup would be great. I'll miss your blog, I've been reading since 2010 or so and have loved your wit, friendship, fashion evolution, skincare travails, and overall coolness factor. I've always been Team Marianne for clothes and Team Adrien for bags and shoes (so much so that I bought your red MJ Stella a few years back). Best of luck and see you on the 'gram!

  39. Please post something here - I will not see anything on Instagram so even a roundup or occasional update would be fabulous. Congrats on the new job and thanks for all your years of sharing entertaining content with us!

  40. Honestly, whatever works for you and continues to be fun and enjoyable for you. I have loved reading from the beginning and I enjoy your fashion and your non fashion content ("stuff I like" and books you've read, etc). Would love to continue here because I don't miss a single post (my news aggregator thing won't let me miss them), whereas I can miss things on insta if I don't check it in a week. But again, do what works for you!

  41. Monthly blog post! I've actually been moving away from IG lately myself, as I find blogs more genuine and interesting, so even if it's just monthly, I would love it!

  42. I love your blog and would miss it a lot if it disappeared, but please please please do what is right for you. Your readers are very nice people who like your content a lot, but you don't owe us anything and you should step away if running this blog has stopped being fun for you.

  43. What everyone else said - we love you and Marianne and the drunk Moddels and all the Stuff You Like. I do follow you on Instagram and would love a monthly blog post too! But THE SECOND it becomes a chore, stop. Life is to be enjoyed, and a new job takes a tremendous amount of energy.

    Thanks for turning me on to Jenny Colgan and a really great utility jacket!

  44. I would still click links via a monthly roundup blog. I Congrats on the new job!

  45. I’m not a commenter but I’ve followed for years and have so enjoyed and appreciated all the time effort and knowledge you’ve put into this blog—thank you! I’ll follow on Instagram as well as any blog postings if you decide to write them occasionally. So sorry about your foot injury and sending all the best wishes for your recovery!!

  46. First off, congratulations! Second, foot injuries suuuuuck. I broke mine several years ago in the depths of winter and it was entirely dispiriting. I feel you. Third, I would miss your blog terribly, AND you should do what is best for you. Been a regular reader and occasional commenter for gosh? A decade? Longer? You're the best. I therefore vote for option #1, selfishly. But again ... do what is best for you :)

  47. You gotta do what you gotta do but I will miss this blog! Especially the book and TV recommendations. I already follow you on IG and will look forward to whatever you choose to post!

  48. Congrats and love the first option! I've read the blog forever - it's a wonderful corner of the internet.

  49. Oh wow. I’ve loved LGFTB for years! Totally understand things have to evolve, but I’d love an occasional wrap-up blog post when you can, plus Insta (also follow you there). Good luck with the new job AND foot recovery!

  50. Aww! This is sad, but of course I'm happy for you. I LOVED your work outfit of the day posts, and I've always wondered why you didn't utilize Instagram more. You could have a great following there I think, just doing what you did when you went to the office every day. Good luck!!

    (I've commented here several times as Tonia Bee, but it's not letting me log into my account for some reason.)

  51. Congratulations! Whichever option, I hope you keep sharing books, because I’ve liked all your recs!

  52. I just discovered this page recently and love your style! I’d like to see you pursue option 1 and see if you enjoy it!😁

  53. I love the blog and would be sad to see it totally gone, but recognize that all things change...and being busy with a new job that you like is a good happy reason for change. I do like the insta / blog roundup combo if that works for you. I'm an over-doer myself, so I'd encourage you to do what you want to, when you have the capacity and when it can come from a place of abundance so you it doesn't become a burden. Will be here for whatever comes next!

  54. I have been lurking here for about as long as you have been blogging. I think this is probably the only blog that I am still faithfully following. I love how real you are and appreciate your honesty. I hope that you continue it, but if Instagram is easier than I can do that too. Thanks for all the years of entertainment.


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