Friday, March 2, 2012


M: The SHobbit wants us to help him write his book!

A: Oooh, he wants photos pairings, huh?

M: Indeed. I don't see the part where he specifically asks us for help, but it's implied?

A: I KNEW IT. I knew he's come begging for our help one day. Boom:

M: Oh well DONE. I also present:

A: Oh, he's sure to use that! We are REALLY GOOD AT THIS.

M: Oh my god, is than an animal from Labyrinth?

A: I think it is? I'm not sure. And wow, now we know what her coat is made out of. Similarly:

M: I tell you, this book is writing itself, SHobbit.

A: OH! That is a million dollars worth of pairing right there.

M: I seriously can't stop laughing. This is my favorite new hobby, EVAR.

A: I just diedI think WE need a book deal. NEW SKILL.

M: Seriously, we have to stop. Is anyone still reading? Hello?

A: Well, hopefully the SHobbit is reading.

M: I hope so. SHobbit, you know how to contact us. We'll expect royalties.

(image credits: and


  1. That was BRILLIANT. It's uncanny just how well you matched those photos. Please make this a regular feature, I need the giggles!

    You two are hilarious!

  2. This is exceptionally hilarious! Seriously, this needs to be a regular feature. After all, someone has to help the Shobbit "see his work with fresh eyes"

  3. This is hilarious and genius. SHobbit would be stupid to not enlist your help :)

  4. Thanks you guys! We had a lot of fun doing this. We haven't heard from the SHobbit yet, though?

  5. OMG! I want to have the animal in the last photo. What the heck is it?

    1. I believe that is a porcupine, so you might want to reconsider. But totally cute!

  6. This would make a great book/blog. do it!

  7. I laugh every time I read a new post. So happy that I found youze guys.

  8. you guys should go on book signing tour STAT!

  9. Brilliant. Do you think he's looking for an editor, too? Because I could help him out with the difference between 'compliment' and 'complement.'

    Also, wasn't it sweet of him to provide those super-helpful instructions on how to SCREEN CAP?

  10. I am laughing like a lunatic after a very long day. You two are amazing. More??? Please make more.

  11. Oh wow you two totally have a hitherto undiscovered talent! RESPEC!

  12. I should not have read this while drinking coffee, though java cleared my nasal passages better than a neti pot! Hysterical, I had to share it on my FB page.

  13. Awesome post! I actually lol'd (is this a verb now?) at a couple of those, esp, the couples.

  14. Love! This is hilarious! I vote for this as a regular feature e.g. say for Mondays because Mondays are so sad, being after the weekend and all...


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