Monday, June 15, 2020

Monday Mood: And Now It's Raining.

After a weekend of absolute glorious weather its now cool and raining and I don't actually mind. It reflects my general mood and seems apropos. Anyway, here's a recent selection of things we've been listening to, reading and watching because why not.

This Podcast That Is My Current Fav.
Everything is Fine is continuing to be the podcast I most look forward to every (other) week and the  most recent guests have been so good - last week's episode had Danielle Henderson talking about current events (and why this time might be the time that real change happens.) Also, Samantha Irby was on recently talking about her new book. She is always a delight.

This Show I Would Binge If I Could.
Come ON HBO. This thing where you release one episode a week is not working for me. I'm talking about I May Destroy You, a new show starring Michaela Coel, who I was first introduced to in the show Chewing Gum (which is hilarious, btw.) It's the story of a woman in London rebuilding her existence after being drugged but also, "sheds light on consent, grey areas in dating culture and the importance of centering the narrative from a Black female perspective.”

These Summer Reading Recs from Marianne! 
Movie Star by Lizzie Pepper: Thinly veiled Tom Cruise/Katie Holmes/Scientology Fanfic. Need I say more? This was honestly more fun and better written than I expected. It’s definitely 100% made up, but felt dishy and gossipy in the most fun way.

Beach Read by Emily Henry: I mean, how could I not. Takes place on an upper Michigan lake and makes me want to take a vacation up there and roll around in all the wholesome midwestern-ness. The main characters are charming and sure, you know what’s going to happen, but it also kind of acknowledges that.

Big Summer by Jennifer Weiner: First of all, the main character is 1000% based on Katie Sturino. She’s a plus size fashion influencer with an insta-famous dog. That’s not acknowledged anywhere online but I’m saying it. Anyway, this quickly turned into a mystery of sorts, I don’t want to give anything away but it was unexpected and a super enjoyable read. Like Beach Read, made me want to go to the Cape and be all New England-y.


  1. Anything I read that is not set in a Chicago suburb immediately makes me want to GO TO THERE. Right now I am reading a book set on a small Korean island and I want to get on a plane. Sigh.

    1. I am dying to go literally anywhere at this point! (Fun fact: I should be in Prague right now.)

  2. I am also going to read Big Summer (I have already purchased it). Other great reads are The Woman in the Window by AJ Finn and anything Alafair Burke (I have decided to read the Ellie Hatcher series after reading another one of her books)


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