Monday, June 1, 2020

Monday Mood: Taking A Moment.

It's been a really rough weekend for our country and things are feeling pretty sad around here. I'm going to take a few days off and will return with some (hopefully) uplifting Stuff I Like. In the meantime, please take care of yourself, your friends and family, and your local businesses. And please consider donating:

With a message from the artist @ellamoscoPLEASE NOTE that @mnfreedomfund has raised over $20 million dollars and is asking that you redirect your donations to @blackvisionscollective 
and @reclaimtheblock . If you’ve already donated to these organizations, here are a few additional ones you can monetarily support: @bailproject@fairfightaction@nonewjails_nyc
@freethemall2020as well as The National Bail Fund Network, North Star Health Collective, and Communities United Against Police Brutality.


  1. There is also info for Richmond-based actions at Richmond for All's fb page, and if readers want to donate to the Richmond Community Bail fund, they can do that at Over 100 people were arrested last night (check out @RVABailFund on twitter for more info). Peace to all- stay safe AND take action!


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