Thursday, December 2, 2021

Ireland Trip: What I Bought.

I am working on a "what we did" post but it's going to be long so in the meantime here's a quick rundown of the things I bought/tried on while on my trip. Did you know they have Black Friday in Europe? They do! Any excuse for a sale, I guess. It's kind of hard to find something unique when traveling because the internet makes everything available, but COS is a brand that's always intrigued me and I can't get in person. So, when I found the COS section of Brown Thomas I was pretty excited. (There was also a very weird stand-alone COS store in Dublin where the employees completely ignore you until you literally throw yourself physically in their path and force them to acknowledge you. I did not like it.)

COS is one of those weird boxy European brands (owned by H&M, I believe?) that do really good, fashion-forward basics. They also do the kind of culottes that David Sedaris likes and the quirky Brown Thomas sales assistant likes but I thought they made me look like an Oompa-Loompa:

You're welcome. I also tried on this weird neoprene bomber jacket that I loved in theory but it looked insane on me:

NOW IS TIME ON SPROCKETS WHEN WE DANCE. Ahem. I will try on anything, you guys, because you just never know. Okay, so one thing that COS does really well is basically my favorite thing:

STRIPPPPEEESSSS. Yes. I was very very very enamored with the oversized striped sweater - it was giving me Noel Fielding vibes but the size medium was comically enormous. I tried on the small and it was utterly but had a big pull on the front so I didn't buy it. Then I spent the next few days obsessing over it and couldn't find another small, so I tried on the extra small (seriously) and it fit:

It's not quite as nicely oversized as the small, but I still loved it so I bought it. I also bought the really, good heavy cotton striped breton top hanging in that pic that reminded me of my old favorite Everlane top and also reminded me of the Kule shirt I've wanted forever but don't want to pay Kule prices for. Yay for stripes! You'll see both in upcoming outfits. 

Now, I know my sweater is basically sold out and the striped top is completely sold out, but sizes keep popping back in and for striped sweaters there's also this one which looks really good and this one too! COS just does good stripes. 

Now, the last thing I bought is this weird-ass Danish Ilse Jacobsen raincoat:

The true color is a bit more beige than pink and it has a "leather" strap that holds the removable hood on, which is exactly the kind of quirky detail I like. I found it in a boutique in Kinsale and tried it on several colors, but this is the one that was the most interesting. Also, it's nice to have an actual, real rain coat- it's not lined, it's just a rain slicker but it's also kind of fashion? I'll have to do an outfit because it's definitely better IRL. 

That's it for the shopping post! I'll post a bigger entry next week about what we saw and did. 


  1. Those culottes and jacket are insane. Thank you for sharing those pics with us. And the Sprockets line made me legit LOL.

    1. I mean, I will try on ANYTHING because it's just as good to know what doesn't work, you know?

  2. Noel Fuelding vibes, hahaha! I love to visit the Cos store, but the only thing I have ever taken home is accessories.

  3. Omg, Sprockets! thank you for that :)


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