Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Non Traditional Bride-y Stuff.

I should say upfront that I'm not really a bride-y wedding person and I'm definitely not a traditional bride-y wedding person. The idea of having a big wedding and a big dress makes me want to crawl into a hole and hide. Luckily, this is a second marriage for both of us so we're just going to do something very small and private. That said, a bride still needs something completely fabulous to wear to their tiny non-wedding wedding, right? Right. 

First, the shoes are taken care of. A while back Marianne bought a super fun pair of Loeffler Randall "party in a shoe" sandals and I wasn't sold by the photos (are but once I saw them on her feet I was like, THOSE ARE THE CRAZY BEST.  And they are, indeed, the crazy-best. I kept my eye out and recently Bloomingdales put them way on sale (for like, a minute) and I pounced. I love them: 

Now all I need is the rest of it. I've thought about maybe renting a dress because Rent the Runway has some really good, fancy dresses for a non-traditional bride situation. Like maybe this Badgley Mischka:

Or this one by Shoshanna has an amazing vintage vibe (the beige circles are gold metallic!):

It's just so pretty and fun, right? Or maybe something kind of weird and fabulous like this?

Moving on to Dresses I Could Just Purchase, this AllSaints dress keeps following me around the internet:

It also comes in red which I like better. I mean, why not red? (I'm not 100% set on white/ivory because who even decided that.)  Also, this one keeps following me around the internet:

It's so pretty! And under $100! It also comes in black which you know I love. Now, Anthro obviously has a ton of options. They even have a whole City Hall Bride section, most of which is kind of silly, but I really kind of love this jumpsuit:

Isn't that elegant and modern? Marianne thinks I should consider this:

I mean, how over-the-top fun would that be? It comes in white (which is probably what she intended) and black as well. I also love the idea of something really simple and pared down, like this:

I don't think that's my color but I do love the dress itself. Finally, I hit up Nordstrom which was overwhelming but how pretty and sparkly is this:

And I also love a dark floral cocktail dress as a truly non-traditional option: 

Whelp, now I'm frozen with indecision so that's fun. I definitely have some time to work out the details and will probably go to Nordstrom at some point and try things on in a flop-sweat of dressing room anxiety and indecision so THAT is something to look forward to. Yay for love! 


  1. Congrats. Take the the shoes. Go have many Champagne fueled shopping trips to find an outfit. You will know it when you put it on.

  2. All great choices!
    I love the white pantsuit, with a bold red lip, bold reed shiny heels, a bold red cuff bracelet, and a little black fascinator.
    Congrats and have fun shopping!!

    1. Dummy me! I forgot you already had amazing shoes.

  3. Ooh the Marianne pick in the swingy green for the win!

  4. Honestly, I think the shoes are the hardest part, and I'm so glad you have found that fabulous pair. If I were to get married again in a similar situation, I would already have the perfect dress in my closet, but finding the shoes would give me a nervous breakdown.

    The only one of the dresses you show that I don't particularly like is the Badgely Mischka, only because the sleeve cuffs give it a slightly office-y feel. I hope that wasn't your secret favorite. The color would be wonderful with your hair. As would the swinging green number!

    1. That one was actually my favorite but now that you've pointed it out I think you're right about the sleeves!

    2. Agree! I hadn't really thought about the sleeves but I think you're right. (And it wasn't my secret favorite, so no worries!)

  5. I vote for the Shoshanna dress!

  6. The Shoshanna dress, without question. Definitely not the pantsuit.

  7. Longtime reader, first time commenter! Mazel tov! At my second wedding my husband and I wore jeans and very expensive cashmere sweaters from
    N. Peal. Wear whatever the f*ck you want! Having said that, another strong yes for the Shoshanna, although I also love the feather caftan. You’re going to look amazing no matter what!

  8. How exciting! All of these options are intriguing but I think some show off those 'crazy best' shoes better than others. Like, the idea of jumpsuit is elegant and sleek but the shoes would get a bit lost, don't you think? I love the look of that swing-y celadon one (in that color) but for me the feather bits would drive me batty :)

  9. The Shoshanna dress is lovely, and your shoes seem to compliment it well.

  10. The Shoshanna dress!!!! So perfect!!!!

  11. I would have said absolutely not to a black dress but once I clicked on it and saw the gold (?) underneath I love it. I also like the dress with spaghetti straps but not in that color. I don't think you can go wrong with the Shoshanna dress either!

  12. I think the one with the circles looks very, "You," to the extent that I know you from the interwebz. I also think Marianne's pick in white would be amazing, and I feel like she has a good track record with spotting the unexpected but perfect. My husband and I had a small wedding in my mom's yard. It was great, and we just celebrated 25 years. I love a small wedding! Cheers!

  13. I think Marianne's pick in white or black would be AMAZING!!!

  14. If you go to the link for the Badgely Mischka that you posted, in the comments/reviews, it looks like someone ('Melissa') is wearing your fancy shoes! Looks amazing! I would choose something that shows off those shoes! I also think Marianne's suggestion in white or black with the gold would also be amazing with the shoes! Go for something completely impractical (i.e. to wear regularly), comfortable but memorable.

  15. Congratulations! I missed this exciting development -- you will look radiant in whatever you decide to wear. Enjoy!!

  16. Yes to Shoshanna and feather dress! No to black if you're getting married at city hall. Your black dress and the judge's black robe will meld together in your photos (if you're having them taken). Otherwise, I have no objection to black. Congrats!

    1. Thank you! Very good advice and not something that would've occurred to me.

  17. Shoshanna!!!!! And congratulations, and I love everything about this!

  18. Congrats - here for all the shopping and celebrations!

  19. Love the Shoshanna and the jumpsuit, as both look very Adrian to my eye. The shoes are FAB. So exciting!!!

  20. Shoshanna and red All Saints are my faves, though no matter what you choose will look fabulous! Love the search!

  21. Congrats! 🎉🥂🥳🙏So exciting! I like the jumpsuit, the pared down and simple (in a lighter colour) and the pretty and sparkly. My mom got married in pants in the backyard in the late seventies. You could also have two lewks! One for the ceremony and one for after!

  22. Another vote for jumpsuit!

  23. Thank you for sharing this with us! I’m excited to see what you choose. If you haven’t finished shopping already, I suggest that you have your colors done (not as ‘80s MLM as it sounds, anymore!) and have your best shapes analysed/defined. I recently had this done as a refresh and it was amazing for helping me style special events & photographs/headshots/branding shots. Often stylists offer both services.


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