Thursday, November 4, 2010

Adrien: Mini Me.

So, while doing my short boot research I realized that what I really needed was a mini skirt in a winter-weight fabric like denim or corduroy. I first checked Forever21, thinking I could get one on the cheap, but the mini skirts they have there are also known as "belts" and OMG NO NO NO. I am officially too old for that store.

Then Banana sent me another coupon code and I found and bought this:

Cute, right? And it is in person too, though I wish they didn't feel the need to put side pockets in everything. I don't need more action on my hips than I already naturally have, you know? I decided it was just long enough to wear to work if I wore it with tights and flat boots, so here's my attempt:

Not terrible. I do kind of wish I'd tucked my shirt in or something, though. It looks all bunchy. Also, I should warn that this skirt is great until you walk around in it, at which point in clings to tights and rides up. Sigh.

tee shirt: Banana Republic (similar)
cardigan: Banana Republic (similar)
skirt: Banana Republic Button-tab mini
tights: Spanx
boots: via eBay (similar)
bag: Marc Jacobs (similar)
bracelet: Loft (similar in watch form!)


  1. Not lined? Hate that. But you look great.

  2. Shirt looks better hanging out. Yep, those side pockets are a little awkward. Why do they do that? You carry this well though. And nice legs to fill those boots. (Don't worry 'bout your hips.)

  3. Oh man, this outfit makes you look extra teeny. Love the skirt. Wish it was lined!

  4. This is so adorable! I love miniskirts with boots. I bought an almost-identical mini from Banana last winter because it was on super-sale. It was a tiny bit too tight at the time, and I've since gained ten pounds, so it was a dumb buy. But now I'm wishing I had a replacement so I could copy this look.

  5. You look awesome and you have fantastic gams!!!

    I really love the miniskirt but yeah it is a shame it isn't lined. It looks great on you but I think coverage provided by a lining would make it more workable for a broader range of figures.

  6. Super cute! Although the riding up would drive me up the wall. And have I mentioned I'm obsessed with your hair?

  7. Very mod! I love it! You look super-cute. :-)

  8. Adorable! Have you thought about cutting the pockets out and just stitching them closed? I've had to do that with trousers w/ back pockets before.

    Little half-slips are like $10. I always have the riding up problem when I wear skirts with tights.

  9. Lara, I have thought of both those things! I have a couple very short half slips and I am definitely going to get the pockets sewn up. Usually when I get pants or skirts with pockets and they're stitched, I leave them stitched for that very reason.


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