Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Marianne: My (Fake) Clarisonic and Me.

Remember when I accidentally bought a fake Naked 2 Palette? Those were good times. I have since replaced it with the real deal (which I genuinely love and wear Every. Day.), but the fallout from my accidental fake shopping spree didn't end there. Before realizing that Sharing Spree was selling fakes, I also bought a half off Clarisonic Mia from them (that link is to the real deal, on sale for $30 off at Macy's).

Now, this was a good fake. Unlike the Naked 2 Palette, there was no reason for me to think it wasn't real, other than not trusting the seller. So I did the only thing you need to do to verify that your Mia is real: I called Clarisonic to register it. And lo and behold, it was fakety fake fake. Sharing Spree gave me my money back and then declared bankruptcy before I could return the fake Clarisonic to what to do?

Well, after letting it sit on my counter for a month, I have started using it. I wash with Cerave Hydrating Cleanser every night and then use the fake Clarisonic, following up with Cerave moisturizer. And my skin is loving it. Acne scars are fading, fine lines are getting a little bit finer, and my pores are smaller. It makes me feel like I wasn't really getting all of my makeup off before. I love it enough that when this fake Mia breaks (which I have heard from friends it will before it's even time to swap out the head), I'll replace it with the real deal (probably from that very link to Ulta, because that's a good price).

So, there's a not very helpful review of a fake product, but at least I know now that I would most likely love a real Clarisonic and I'm not out any money. And unlike using fake makeup (which could be made of god knows what and really hurt you), I don't think this can damage my skin in any way. Do you have a Clarisonic? What do you think?


  1. CeraVe is the best! I have a Clarisonic, but sadly don't use it like I should. You just reminded me that I need to.

  2. I love and adore it and give my Clarisonic 10 zillion stars, even on a scale of 1-4.
    It's the most amazing product I've ever purchased. It def. lives up to the hype. Typically I use a gadget for a week or two and then toss it in a drawer never to use it again. I'm addicted to my Clarisonic. I love how it makes my skin feel. I use it several times per week. I don't bring it with me when I travel, and def. see and feel a difference when I don't use it.
    I'm a pretty hard judge of products, but this little gizmo? Love it, 100% rec. it.

  3. Love my Clarisonic. Yes, I gulped a bit before shelling out that much for a single-purpose item, and yes, the ghosts of my forebears swirled around my head growling about the thrifty and honorable washcloth, but man, I am never going back. I think part of the effectiveness is that it gets you to wash every part of your face, and for a full minute--kind of like the clarisonic toothbrush makes you realize that there is no way you were brushing your teeth for two full minutes before it came along.

  4. I love that you love your fake Clarisonic.

  5. I have a fake Clarisonic too (though it never had the brand name on it, I bought it at the drug store) and love it.

  6. I feel like a fake Clarisonic is a lot less potentially scary than a fake eyeshadow palette. Unless, you know, the bristles are made of lead-coated asbestos fibers.

    I have a real one - the old model, purchased with super-combo-coupon powers after the new model came out and the old price dropped. Plus Ebates. Adrien would be proud.

    I love it. I had some health problems, broke out like (you know, something clever), and became sensitive to anything with silicone in it, leading to itchy patches and super-clogged pores that were like weird, hard bumps. Not blackheads, not whiteheads -- just clear, petrified, angst under my skin.

    Two months P.C. (post Clarisonic) and I totally get the hype. Face = glowing. Pores = going bye bye. Weird clogs = worked out. I'm a happy mofo. I've used it with Ren's meadowsweet cleanser and La Roche Posay's Toleriane cleanser, both of which were good, but slightly too drying. Still searching for the perfect match.

    1. "... became sensitive to anything with silicone in it, leading to itchy patches and super-clogged pores..."

      Because silicones are in EVERYTHING. FML.

  7. Ok, this is my first comment but I have been lurking for FOREVER and have started to feel like I do when I don't donate to NPR during their pledge drives :( BUT I absolutely love your blog and think you guys are the bees knees! Anyway, I just bought the clarisonic plus which also comes with an extra brush and setting for use on the body. I have used it about 4 times on my face and once on my feet. I love it but so far haven't noticed a huge difference. I keep waking up and looking in the mirror expecting some miracle but nothing yet. I should say that I have pretty clear skin so I am not sure what I really expect. I'm in my late 30's and I guess I just miss my old youthful pre-kid skin-you know, when I got plenty of sleep, exercise, and ate leisurely meals. Ugh.

    1. Thanks for reading, Rachel! I'll be honest, I don't notice a huge difference either, but I only use my Clarisonic once or twice a week.

  8. I bought an off name imitation from CVS for $30. I figured if I liked it I would move on to a clairisonic. I liked how easy it was to use but didn't notice that much improvement. I have bouts of yuck cystic acne. Went to a dermatologist, got some drugs and a topical and had much much better results.So it is a no go for me.

  9. I also have a fake. Works fine. Wouldn't even consider getting a real one.

  10. Just discovered I have a fake. I can't for the life of me remember where I bought it. It wasn't ebay. I only found out because I went online to buy replacement brush heads. I've had this thing for a least a year so I'm going to upgrade to the real deal.


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