Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Reviews: Bumble & bumble Hairdresser's Invisible Oil Primer, Korean Scrubby Mitts

I am back on Bumble & bumble, y'all. If you use their products it's absolutely worth it to sign up for the emails because they have really, really good deals. I made an order recently and got a TON of free deluxe samples and free shipping. They ship fast and the packaging is fancy. (Obviously not necessary but I do like a nice box.) The current deal is free standard shipping and deluxe samples of Don't Blow It and Hairdresser's Invisible Oil Primer with any purchase: BBHOWTO.

Among my samples I got a deluxe sample of the Hairdresser's Invisible Oil Primer which has been getting good reviews. I don't generally do oils on my hair because it's so fine, but this primer sounded intriguing and people seem to love it.

My name is long!

I've been using it with the Straight Blow Dry (and a little Styling Creme at my roots) and the results have been really good. After styling and a bit of straight-iron action my head looks like this:

Yes, I totally stole that from my last outfit pic. But hey! My hair looks good there. I've only been using it a few day so I don't know how well it'll do long term, but for now I'm really happy with the results right now. Also, I'm happy to report that the Straight Blow Dry is still the bomb. I have no idea why I stopped using it.

The other thing I wanted to review is something you all probably already know about, but if you don't, you should. My friend Lara first turned me on to Korean scrubbing towels and I loved the results - skin so soft you won't even believe it. I used the one she gave me until it was done and then bought another version (that wasn't Korean) and it ended up being disappointing weak sauce. Then I forgot all about them until someone on a forum recently recommended the mitt version:

scrubby mitten!
They also make a towel version which works great for scrubbing your back. Either one will get you amazing results. Here are the recommended instructions:

1. Relax your skin in hot water for 15 minutes. Gently rub with the mitten to remove dead skin layer along with any impurities. 2. Apply skin moisturizer for better results of protecting healthy smooth skin. 3. After each use, wash the mitten with water and hang to dry. 4. With directed care, it will last at least one year. 5. Facial use is not recommended.

If you aren't a bath person just take a long shower and don't use a moisturizing product before scrubbing. Once you're all good and soaked, use the mitt (either with your hand shoved in it or put a washcloth in it and use it folded) and get to scrubbing. If you do it right it will hurt a little bit and you will notice disgusting little rolls of skin and OH MY GOD AFTERWARDS YOU WILL BE SOFT LIKE A BABY. LIKE WHIPPED CREAM. LIKE UNICORN FLUFF. It's really quite amazing is what I'm saying. And fun in a weirdly sick way. You're welcome.


  1. "Facial use is not recommended." What the heck?! It helps remove blackheads but you shouldn't use it on your face?? That's where I wanted to use it because that's where my blackheads are. Have you tried it on your face?

    1. Yeah, I didn't get that either but I think this is way too rough for your face. Body scrubbing only!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I am intrigued by the scrubbing towel. I have added to my Amazin wish list. My hiar is pretty opposite to yours - long, course, sometimes frizzy. But I hear good thigns about Bumble & Bumble. Right now I am still very much in love with my Lush shampoo but am always on the lookout for conditioner.


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