Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Candle Time with Marianne: Boy Smells Review.

Marianne bought a few of the smaller sets of Boy Smells candles a while back and she told me about them via Marco Polo video. So nice! And, because I'm a total creeper and can't just let her tell me about things, I transcribed her comments for a blog post. (Be careful what you tell me - I WILL POST IT ON THE BLOG.) Ahem. Anyway, we both love the Boy Smells JUNE'S candle, which we discovered after a dinner at June's while in Austin, and Marianne appropriately gave me REDHEAD for my birthday which I'm burning right this second. It's spicy and complex, just like me. Here are a few more with Marianne's comments (and also mine because, again, I can't stop.)

Marianne: I really like this one. Warm and spicy.
Me: I'll buy anything with an amber note, def want to check this one out.

Marianne: Easy to like - it's very green smelling.
Me: Okay, this sounds amazing. I love mint and basil together.

SLOW BURN (the Kacey Musgraves candle)
Marianne: I hate it. I keep burning it to punish myself. Chris thinks it smells like Comet, I think it smells like an old lady and I kept burning it because sometimes they grow on me. I was hoping for that but still don't like it. 
Me: she gave it away. I think I'm gonna pass on this one.

Marianne: Doesn't set off my allergies like most tree candles! So there's that
Me: If it smells like trees, I'm in. 

Marianne: Smells so smokey that I thought I'd hate it but I don't 
Me: I like a fireplace smell but this sounds like too much smoke and incense for me. 

Marianne: It's tropical, what's not to like.
Me: Coconut and clove? Sign me up. 

Marianne: This one is so good - kind of fruity and fresh
Me: I am intrigued! I'm not sure about black current but it sounds interesting.

1 comment:

  1. I'm a blackcurrant lover so LES is my jam. I think it reminds me of the Lush Comforter bubble bar but also a mug of Paris tea from Harney & Sons. But thank you for warning me off Slow Burn, Comet is my nightmare of a smell.


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