Monday, December 27, 2010

Adrien: Eh.

This is from last week and I wasn't going to post it at all, but then I thought maybe y'all need to know that sometimes my outfits are completely boring. I just look at these pictures and all I can think is how un-interesting it all is, and how a few tweaks would've made it so much better. It's hard to tell, but my top is actually not dirt-colored, but a winey purple. Still maybe a teal or cranberry red would've popped a bit more. Also, the shoes. Yay, brown shoes with brown pants! I'm fired. Seriously. I should've worn my leopard print pumps or red shoes (but then the issue is, what color top? This is why I'm late every morning.)

top: Gap
jacket: Gap
pants: Gap
shoes: Gap (just kidding! They're Indigo by Clarks)
bag: Michael Michael Kors


  1. HEYYO- That jacket is wondermous!!!! Is it a current purchase?? ME LIKEY!!

  2. For an "eh" outfit, you still look pretty damn fabulous - but I will acknowledge that leopard print shoes totally would've made this a level beyond fabulous. Love the jacket!

  3. Thanks, you guys. And the jacket is old - I think I bought it three or four years ago.

  4. I think the outfit is pretty darn chic! I see what you're saying about the leopard shoes but, I like the look as is :)


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