Thursday, December 30, 2010

Marianne: Outfit of the Day - Year in Review

Yeah, I'm copying Adrien. Lulu and I have been sick all week with RSV and this is the closest you'll get to a post from me. But really, it was fun to look back at the year and see some of my good and bad choices. I notice that most of my favorite outfits feature skirts/dresses that end above the knee, and belts. My least favorites feel off, proportion-wise, or I obviously didn't put any time or thought in that morning. Here's to a 2011 with better accessorizing!

My Favorites:

And then the not so much. It actually pains me to repost some of these. Oh, what I do for you:

What do you think? Did I miss an obvious favorite/least favorite that you recall? Don't say jeggings and cowboy boots, please.

Happy New Year, everyone!


  1. You guys are so funny. Both of you look adorable in ALL of your outfits!

    Oh, and here are the worst pics ever of me in the cargo skinnies:

  2. Dude, those look great on you! Sigh. I wish they were a little longer, I would snap them up.

  3. Thanks. Just keep an eye out. The sales are outta control right now! Trying to stay out of trouble!

  4. In your not so good section, I really think the Anthropologie dress looks great but that you were photographed at a bad angle. I also like the one under it.

  5. OMG, those are the badonkadonk cords!! How can you put pants that make your butt look that awesome in the bad category? I love the whole outfit too!

  6. that yellow dress is FANTASTIC! the outfit is cute, but you kind of look like you have cat ears (?) in #5. :)

  7. Lis, I just felt like that dress is meant for someone 4 inches shorter. And the other I love, just not in that incarnation.

    MQ--I KNOW, but looking back I hate how I look in those pictures!

    Anon--those are my white sunglasses! Ha!


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