Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Reader Question: What the hell?

Merry Christmas, y'all. This is our gift to you.

Note from Marianne and Adrien: We love our readers. We love y'all so, so much. And so please understand us when we say we are posting the email we received not out of mean-spiritedness, but rather because it is spectacular. Also, we need help translating it.

From: *redacted*
Subject: Dark " jeggings " within cowboy boots.

Dear Marianne;

Stunning " cowboy " aka, Roy Rogers/ Gene Autry look. I always loved this slender cowboy look since a young boy born in 1952 A.D. . This style, unfortunately for normal males, is considered women's wear by female's cross-dressing demand success from the early 1960's but I wear this outfit myself at home. I'm wearing my N.Y.D. jeans" dark gray jeggings with tonal stitching and enjoy all its comfort and look benefits. i dreess my wife the same way and enjoys my cowboy style imput to her wardrobe.

Pax Christi !

Fashion Avenger

The Fashion Avenger also left this comment (on the jeggings entry):

With those " skinny cowboy pants , cowboy boots and red flannel shirt; Roy Rogers, " The King of the Cowboys " lives ! Transvestism looks great on feminine women . Dale Evans' split riding skirt is now " history " !

Adrien: Dude, why do all the awesome freaks love you?

Marianne: Okay, this just made me stop breathing.

A: I've read it three times and it still makes no sense. I keep wanting it to make sense!

M: Females cross-dressing success demand what? This is my favorite thing today.

A: I KNOW. it's Spectacular? Fascinating? Outstanding? I think he's saying wimmen stole the manly cowboy look when they started wearing slacks? Yet, he wears them at home. He wears these, to be exact. And his wife. Okay. But, you know what the best part is? I think he's kind of right:

Dig my jeggings, Trigger.

M: I seriously can't breathe. It's so wonderful. God bless us, everyone.

A: I'm glad he specified his birth as A.D. I would have been more confused otherwise.

M: He comes from olden tymes. Days of yore.

A: Don't fence me in, Roy.


  1. Ahahahahaha! I love it. "Transvestism looks great on feminine women." Um, what?

  2. Don't try to understand it, just let it wash over you.


  4. Perfect for the person who has EVERYTHING. EXCEPT WOMEN'S JEGGINGS.

  5. I think his wife is actually a doll, blow up or otherwise, because who says: "I dress my wife the same way"
    If my husband tries to dress me like Roy Rogers, I'm going to punch him in the throat. But then, I am not a doll.

  6. I hope one day I will be lucky enough to receive comments like this on my blog. Marianne, I really thing you should sign off on your posts as Roy from now on.


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