Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Adrien; Confession Time.

Okay, I'm just going to start by saying it right up front: I paid $30 for a lipstick. And by God, it was worth every penny:

There is just something about Chanel, even in lipstick form. I seriously love it just as an object - the shiny metal case, the white Cs on top, the satisfying click you hear when you put the top back on. I even love that it has "Chanel" carved right into the lipstick itself.

This was a pre-holiday purchase, something I'd been thinking about for a while. I wanted a serious red lipstick for a while but it had to be the right red. Not too pink, not too orange, just a true glamorous red. The color I got is called Rivoli and even though it's way outside my comfort zone, I feel great every time I wear it:

Sometimes a girl just needs to buy something fabulous and completely frivolous, you know? Tell me about your thing.


  1. Oh, I love this on you! And I love a fancy lipstick, too. It feels so indulgent. Plus it's probably the only Chanel you own, right?

  2. I haven't actually done it yet, but I've been contemplating purchasing a Mason Pearson brush. I can't decided if buying a $200 hairbrush is frivolous or just stupid.

  3. the color is great for you x

  4. That color is perfect for you and yes, worth every penny. Sometimes you need to treat yourself. My thing is perfume.

    Danielle, I just got an inexpensive boar bristle brush at Sally's Beauty Supply and I love it! Drugstores are carrying them now too (some are mixed with synthetic). If you've never used one before, you may want to try a cheap one first and see if you like it!

  5. Definitely worth the price. It's a beautiful color on you. It's dramatic, but it doesn't take you over. I'm not sure I have a "thing". Or maybe the problem is that I have too many.

  6. Total true story: my lips are allergic to a chemical found in almost every lipstick on the planet…except Chanel. Seriously, every lipstick out there will produce a chemical burn on my lips, taking weeks to heal. EXCEPT CHANEL.

    So what I am saying to you is that my biology has determined for me that I should only ever buy the very best of the best, so there. Now if only my biology wanted to pay for it FOR me…

  7. Liz, that is crazy, I have something similar! Can't wear any drugstore lipsticks and a lot of nicer brands. I have had success with Laura Mercier, though.

  8. Marianne - no way! I NEVER meet people with this problem. SO annoying. Glad to hear about Laura Mercier tho - I get annoyed trying to color match in only place


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