Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Review: MBMJ Baby Groovee Satchel (and an outfit!)

Fall shopping! I've been shopping like I was shot out of a cannon. That made sense in my head. One of the main things on my list was a burgundy/oxblood bag and even though I am sure it's a color that will work really well with my fall/winter stuff, I still didn't want to spend a ton on a new bag no matter how beautiful.  I hit up eBay and ended up with this little nugget:

MBMJ Baby Groovee

I know I'm boring with my Marc Jacobs fixation but he does such interesting colors so it just made sense to go that route. I'd first fixated on the larger Classic Groovee satchel while watching Orphan Black because one of the characters carries it. I was going to go with that size but it's really...large and I was afraid of it looking like luggage on me. The Baby Groovee looked too small but the deals on eBay were really good and I found one in good condition in the exact color I was hoping for. Whee:

It arrived and while it is a small bag, I had no problem shoving in my wallet, makeup bag, sunglasses case, kindle and other little bits. It's a perfect everyday bag as long as you don't need to carry the world around with you. The only downside is that it looks kind of awful when worn using the longer strap. It just turns into a sad leather pudding lump. Womp.

Okay, now my outfit:

 I'm wearing my new Banana Republic moto pants but you can't see the cool details AT ALL which kind of sucks. I really like these pants - they're comfortable, hold their shape and are more interesting than your average pair of work pants. The padded knee detail looks really cool IRL but you'll just have to take my word for it.

My t-shirt is some sad old Gap thing, my leopard flats are Madewell Sidewalk Skimmers (new version) and my belt is from Target. I'm doing double-leopard today and I'm not going to apologize for it. The more the better, I say.


  1. You look very fall today with the berry purse and forest green top....without boots or an unnecessary jacket! Score one for you!

  2. Are the pants really dry clean only, or can they be machine washed?

    1. I think they technically are, but I intend on washing them in cold water and hanging to dry. Dry cleaning sucks.

  3. Dude, never apologize for double leopard.

  4. I had a version of this bag a few years ago, and I wasn't a huge fan of the slouchiness. Softest leather though. If I think about it too long, I'll start regretting selling it. I love the colour of yours.


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