Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Deep Text Thoughts About Important Topics.

A: They were out of her size, or?

M: I kind of like it

A: It's cute but it’s eight sizes too big

M: All sweaters are gin in a ditch sweaters these days

A: Don tounch her gin swedder

M: I sed don tounch it

A: I’m not tounching anything

M: Go way

A: Wut is carnberry saus

M: Now I want chips


M: Yisss

A: Come to my house! Gin and chimps and dump

A: *dimp

M: I don wan chimp dump

A: Shidt dood


  1. I could NOT figure out what dimp was (from the older post). Now I get it! You all educate me on very important things.

  2. Drinking Gin in a Ditch. Please explain. I found an old post from 2011 with the same reference...I'm old and I don't know things.

    1. It's not a reference to anything, it's simply a sweater best suited for wearing while drinking gin in a ditch (as opposed to a wine cardigan which is a much nicer garment.)

    2. Winegan? (okay, I know I am not as funny as you two!)


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