Thursday, October 5, 2017

Stuff I Like: Creature Comforts.

Disclosure: I get a commission for purchases or clicks made through links in this post. 

This fucking week, am I right? A horrific mass shooting, Tom Petty dies, and in my own personal life, I got in a car accident. (Nobody was hurt but ugh.) It's only Thursday, too. How is that possible? So I'm just going to be super basic today and talk about the things that have given me some comfort or pleasure this week because WTF.

These Gap Joggers That Are Basically Perfect.
I ordered these Gap French terry fleece joggers when they were deeply discounted (which it looks like they still are) and holy shit, you guys. They are everything comfy sweatpants should be - soft, simple, thick enough to be worn out of the house for snack-based missions and as a bonus: oddly flattering. Just get a pair, you won't regret it.

This Dumb Expensive Candle That Smells Like Amber.
When I get a few credits at Shop Spring I sometimes buy things I need, but sometimes I use them to buy stupidly expensive fancy candles. I wanted a warm scent so I bought a Diptyque Ambre candle without having any idea if I'd like it. Out of the box it seemed oddly masculine but when it burns it just smells like amber and spices. It's warm and comforting, which is exactly what I needed.

This Audio Book That's Delightfully BEC.
I am STILL READING 1Q84. I know, you guys. It's been months but I'm almost done and I'm ready to have something new on deck so I checked out the online offerings from the local public library. Lo! I found the audiobook version of The Knockoff which is apparently a thinly veiled account of the terrible Mean Girls culture at Rent the Runway. A catty fashion book? I AM IN. So far, I'm really enjoying it and mostly listen to it in the car. But not my (poor smashed) car, the rental car. *sob*

This Face Oil That Smells Weird In A Good Way.
I bought this RMS Beauty oil recently to replace my beloved Juno Oil, which I'd run out of. I have to say, the RMS oil is super freaking nice. It's very luxurious and comforting and my skin just drinks it up. It also smells really peculiar in a way that's hard to describe. It's like...dried herbs and vanilla? I don't know. At first I wasn't sure but now I love it. Seasonal change usually makes my skin freak out but so far that hasn't happened and I think the RMS oil is why.

My Cat Who Is The Best.
I'm convinced that people who don't like cats just haven't met the right one yet. My cat, in particular. Daniel greets all guests at the door and will probably drop his feather stick toy in your lap if you sit down because that's why you're here, right? He's the only cat I've ever had who sleeps in and he's the snuggliest when I need some comfort. Highly recommend.

This Butternut Squash Soup Recipe That Is Crazy Delicious. 
Look, I'm just going to warn you that this recipe is a very old Rachael Ray joint (hush) but I've made it a million times and it's really freaking good. I've made a few changes over the years - I add the milk (or cream) at the end after blending and sometimes I throw in some other spices or add carrots or whatever. But as written it's a good starting point, especially if you've never made roasted butternut squash soup before. I recommend serving it with gruyere grilled cheese sandwiches and don't skip the sweet/spicy pecans. Just don't.

And finally...

This Prank That Made My Day. (And changed my opinion of Kate Beckinsale.) 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. So sorry to hear of your accident! it is such a headache, paperwork and phone calls and bleah. I'm glad Daniel will be such a good companion.

  3. Thank you for sharing that Kate Beckinsale prank, that was hilarious. Sounds like the universe is giving you a tough time, just lay low, ride it out, snorgle that kitty!

  4. Cats are the best. So true. People just have to meet the right cat.

  5. Sending you all the good vibes


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