Thursday, February 14, 2019

Stuff I Like: Eating, Hibernating, Learning, Watching

I haven't done one of these in a while! Here are a few of the things that have been making my life better lately: 

This Salmon Salad I Eat For Lunch Every Week
It's that time of year when my weight is creeping up and austerity measures must be made. I pack my lunch every day and try really hard to pack food that's nutritious and also tasty. My latest obsession is this salmon salad recipe that I've been making every week. It really simple, makes two decent portions and tastes really good. You can put it in a collard wrap if you must but I prefer it on a toasted wheat pita with a handful of salad greens shoved in. Definitely get the good canned salmon with skin and bones included (I know, but they mix right in and you won't even notice and that's where the nutrition lives.) Because I'm bougie I like to use this fancy-ass mayo but Dukes is just fine too and I also add salt to the recipe because I'm not a monster.

This Comforter I Can't Live Without
I moved in with my boyfriend back in the summer and we have this great little 1960s ranch house that I adore. But y'all, I am freezing to death. This cute house of ours is drafty and I decided we needed a super cozy bed set-up so that I wasn't always a shivering poodle. On some dumb podcast I listen to (okay, it was Forever 35) a guest mentioned she had a silk-filled comforter that was great because it's weighty but also regulates body heat well.  I was like, THAT SOUNDS PERFECT. I scoured Amazon, bought the LilySilk All Season Luxury Silk Comforter and never looked back. I love it, my boyfriend loves it, the cats really love it. It's not super thick but it's deliciously heavy without being suffocating. It's not inexpensive but I've been so happy with it. Worth every penny.

This Audiobook That's Teaching Me French
Long story, but I never took a foreign language in high school. So, when we planned our trip last fall to Paris, I was pretty worried about the language thing and started listening to the Coffee Break French podcast. It's an excellent place to start and helped me to learn a few important words and phrases. Now, with our upcoming return trip to Paris (next week!) I wanted to go a little deeper. I researched the various programs and eventually bought Learn French With Paul Noble. This audiobook is an immersive method and within the first hour you're speaking full sentences, which feels like magic. It's not super helpful for just learning traveler's French (I think Coffee Break French does a better job of that) but it's still quite good, even if I tend to get snappy with Paul, who is smug. We get it Paul, you're a GD genius.

This Amazing Show You're Probably Already Watching
OMG are you watching Russian Doll? Marianne told me about it (she's watched it twice through) and I am currently obsessed. Also, Natasha Lyonne is just amazing and has the best hair. The basic premise is that the main character Nadia gets caught in a loop in which she repeatedly attends her birthday party and dies at the end of the night each time. It's dark and funny and kind of weird, just how I like it. I won't say more because I don't want to spoil it, just watch it.


  1. Question! What sort of duvet cover did you get? Did you go with silk? I'm a hot sleeper in a hot climate with a cold condo and have long been considering the benefits of silk and I'm glad you're trying it out on my behalf. Thank you for your service.

    1. My duvet cover is just cotton from West Elm, nothing super fancy!

  2. Just finished Russian Doll last night. LOVED IT!!! Unlike anything I have ever seen on TV. I read the recaps on Vulture which helps me notice some of the details I might normally have missed.


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