Thursday, November 5, 2020

Be A Unicorn and Use Your Things.

I'm in a talky mood this week! A story: Back when I was going to my (sadly now closed) favorite magical thrift store every week, I used to see this woman who reminded me of an older Kate Lanphear. She was right there with me, digging through the racks on half-price day, but always looking like her next stop was a really chic rock 'n roll party in Manhattan. She'd be wearing, like, a silver sequined jacket, crazy printed pants, amazing platform boots and pointy insane statement rings. She 100% pulled it off and was FABULOUS. It was like seeing a unicorn at Aldi or something.

More recently, I went to check out a new thrift store I'd heard about and there she was! My fashion unicorn! She was, as usual, dressed like a rock star on a Friday afternoon in the middle of a pandemic. And here I am wearing boyfriend jeans, sneakers and a hoodie. Dammit. I chatted with her briefly and told her how much I loved her outfits but I also was like, WHY AM I NOT WEARING MY COOL STUFF.  

Working from home and not going out means that my nice bags and fun jackets never see the light of day anymore and I am mad about it, you guys. It doesn't matter if I'm going to the grocery store instead of out to dinner, I can still wear my leather jacket and some fun earrings, you know? So, that's my goal for the rest of this crap-ass year: I am going to dust off some impractical, fun thing every time I leave the house and I'm going to start using my stuff. 

PS. My friend Nina found me this incredible jacket for $17 at Gabes, of all places, and I'm thinking it's a great jumping off point:

I will post an outfit next week! And I challenge all of you to dust off your sequin jacket or fancy zebra handbag and give it an outing. Or, buy the fun boots and don't worry about the fact that you have no where to wear them. Just wear them anyway! Let's all be a unicorn in Aldi.


  1. was just thinking about this -- I got dressed up on Election night to pick up my carryout dinner. And it felt good. I am trying to put in more effort toward my work from home look (no make-up yet, let's not get crazy!), and it makes me feel a little better.

    1. It's amazing how nice it feels to wear an actual outfit these days.

  2. Yeeeeeeees! I get dressed, for real, everyday because it makes me feel good.

    1. I'm working on it! I do try to wear a little makeup and jewelry every day.

  3. I've been striving to pull this off since my office opened again in August. People seem to appreciate it! Comfy but chic.

    1. My cats (aka co-workers) are really very unimpressed. Jerks.

  4. Well. I actually own a fancy zebra handbag, and I promise to take it out and carry it next week. It is a full-on lady bag, not a crossbody, which is why I never use it.

    But today I am wearing the Anthro snake print dress that you showed me, so thanks!!

    1. Do it! I'm going to switch out to my Liberty tote which hasn't seen the light of day in months.

  5. GABES IS LIFE! I grew up within quick driving distance of 4 Gabriel Brothers stores, and oh, did we make whole days of digging through those racks. Bless.

    And agreed. While the transition to WFH has left me seemingly unable to bejewel myself or put on pants, I say NO MORE!

    1. I'd never been to a Gabe's! It was quite something.

  6. So timely! I'm waiting for delivery of some gorgeous patent leather spike heel boots I have nowhere to wear. Fingers crossed they fit, I'll make it work even if I have to wear them to the grocery store!


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