Friday, December 18, 2020

Weekend Window Shopping: Stocking Stuffer Nonsense.

 Hello Hi! Hi Hi Hi! We (and by we I mean me) are down to the holiday shopping wire and trying not to obsessively track packages, right? RIGHT. So, with that in mind I am giving you a whole bunch of fun little stocking-stuffer nonsense from Amazon because it might make it your house in a timely manner. Maybe? We see. PS. I have purchased every single one of these things and can promise they will not ruin your life. Here we go:


  1. I will vouch for the sweater shaver, the scalp scrubber and the body scrubber. Most of the other items are on my wish list. You are a bad influence especially on practical items :)

  2. I want to do the foot thing so bad, but I skerred.


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