Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Winter Beauty: Products To Keep Your Face From Falling Off.

 Before I started writing this I went back and read some of my old beauty regime posts and dang, I have really tightened things up! It took me a long time to learn that, for my face, less is better and consistency is key. 

Today (34 degrees and raining. yay.) I thought I'd tell y'all about the products I've been using to keep my face from falling off in the cold months. My skin gets dry and scaly in the winter which confirms my suspicion that I'm part lizard. I have a nice arsenal of products that I use to try to stave this off. First:

Kiehl's Ultra Facial Overnight Hydrating Mask - This is an old favorite and I still use it once a week after I moisturize with my Avene moisturizer. I leave it on overnight and yes, it's a bit sticky but it's WORTH IT. I wake up the next morning with dewy skin every time. If only it would stay like that, you know?

Peter Thomas Roth Un-Wrinkle Peel Pads - Another old favorite of mine and they're harder to find than they used to be (I guess they want you to buy these instead which I'll have to try) but I use this one night a week as well. A few minutes on my face (and on the backs of my hands) and then rinse well, moisturizer/face oil and I'm good to go. I try not to over-exfoliate so one night a week of this plus Differin every other night is all I need. 

Pixi Rose Oil Blend - I didn't actually buy this, I received it in an Allure Beauty box a few months back. When I ran out of my The Ordinary rose hip seed oil I dug around to see what else I had and lo! There it was waiting for me. I had low expectations but I have to say, this oil is quite nice and it smells wonderful. I use this at night as my last layer, to seal everything in. So far it's been great. 

And for the rest of your body:

L'Occitane Almond Shower Oil - This is a bit splurgy but it's 100% worth it! TOTALLY WORTH IT. It's a liquid shower oil soap that cleanses and leaves you feeling all soft and moisturized afterwards. It also smells really, really good. (So far, has not made me slip and fall in my shower but there's still time.) 

Korean Exfoliating Mitt - YOU GUYS. I repurchased these recently and I'm back to realizing that the best body (not for your face!) exfoliation tool is to scrub the crap out of yourself with this weird mitt. The towel version is great too and makes it easier to scrub your back. You will emerge from your bath or shower feeling like a dollop of whipped cream, guaranteed. 

That's all I got today! Feel free to tell me about some amazing product that has kept your face from falling off in the comments! I'm always looking. 


  1. Possibly weird question but how do you apply the L'Occitane oil? I usually like to scrub with a loofah but when I put the oil directly on the loofah I use too much. I treated myself to a bottle in the last Sephora sale and I'm about to crack it open.

    1. I use a silicone scrubby thing and work fast!

  2. so funny to see the KOrean mitt - don't use it on the face ! i can't even handle it on my arms...

  3. I also got the Pixi oil in the Allure box and I am SUCH A HUGE FAN. Just wanted to add an additional fan girl comment in case anyone was eyeing it. I don't have super dry skin and this still works wonders for me. Not oily - just perfectly hydrated, dewy look if you use it during the day time.


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