Thursday, November 4, 2021

Stuff I Like: No Theme November.

Hi! Now is the time when I talk about stuff I like. Sometimes a theme forms but usually it's just a bunch of crap I happen to be into right now. (This is one of those.) First, I have to tell you about a book I'm reading:

This Book I Waited Too Long To Read
I talked about this book nearly a year ago, having heard about it from The Penguin Podcast. The amazing Sue Perkins interviewed Dolly Alderton about Ghosts and I'm FINALLY reading it. It's wonderful - warmly funny and clever with an instantly like-able main character. It's about online dating and being ghosted (a subject I can certainly relate to) but it's also about the importance of female friendships and how they start to change over time. I'm only about a third of the way through and I'm trying to read it slowly to make it last. (The sign of an excellent book.) 

This Candle Which Is Not The Candle I Was Looking For.
Marianne told me about the Ginger and Black Tea Target candle she thought I'd like and I went searching for it, because I like a Target challenge. When I finally tracked it down it didn't smell like what I'd decided it should smell like so instead I bought the Wooded Sage candle from the same line. I got the small one for my office and it's just the right size for a small-ish room. I love the sleek packaging and it smells delightful - woody and a little mysterious. It's a good one for those of us who don't like sweet/overly floral candles. Also, do you have an arc lighter yet? They are life-changing. 

This Nail File I Haven't  Dropped Yet.
I've written before about my favorite glass file from Sephora but the last time I tried to buy a new one it was nowhere to be found - like it had never existed. How dare they! Anyway, I checked around and found this set on Amazon which looked promising and, thankfully, totally delivers. I don't wear nail polish so I need a really gentle, smoothing file to keep my nails looking nice and glass is the way to go for that. I keep the tiny one in my purse (thankfully it has a cover because I recently destroyed the lenses of a pair of sunglasses by way of a loose nail file) and the other one by my bedside. (Also: how creepy is that product image? I couldn't not use it.) 

This New Podcast I Just Discovered.
I heard Am I Normal? via another podcast and was immediately sold by the dentist episode, because that exact thing happened to me recently. This is a great short-form podcast hosted by Mona Chalabi, a data journalist and illustrator who tried to make sense of the world by looking at the numbers (and sometimes consulting her mother, who seems lovely.)  It's a quick listen and I basically binged all the episodes yesterday, so I think you should probably go get caught up.

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