Thursday, November 11, 2021

Stuff We Like: A Marianne/Adrien Edition!

Hello! Today we both have stuff we like and we're gonna tell you about it. First, two from Marianne:

The One Where I'm Late To Athleisure
So yeah, everyone in the world is ready to wear real clothes again and I’m over here “discovering” the joy of leggings after 19+ months of wearing jeans and dresses like a CHUMP. Anyway! I tried a pricey set from Girlfriend Collective and like them fine, but my current favorites are these ribbed leggings from Aerie ($27!). They feel like you tried, and I have the matching longline sports bra too (on sale for $14!), and turns out a matching legging set brings me as much joy as a fancy dress does. Who knew?? (You all knew. I know.)  PS from Adrien: She wears this henley over the bra and it's real cute the end.

This Book I Would Make Everyone Read If I Had A Book Club
Something about the fall puts me in the mood for books that are a bit more twisty and thriller-y than my summertime beach reads, you know? Well, if you’re in the mood for a book that combines travel with suspense and is just written SO smartly, you must read Who Is Maud Dixon. After three in a row that featured children in peril and mothers ranging from slightly to very unhinged (Little Secrets, The Push, and Verity if you’re in the market), it was refreshing to read a different kind of thriller. I don’t want to give anything away because the twists are so good, but I couldn’t recommend this more. I really hope someone makes it into a TV show or a movie.

And, two from Adrien:

This Mirror So I Don't Look Like a Mole Person 
One thing I hate about hotels is the lack of any kind of good makeup mirror/lighting situation. I can't tell you how many times I've been half leaning out a window with my compact trying to see to put on eyeliner. So, I started researching lighted travel mirrors and found this one on Amazon. It arrived and it's bigger than I thought - the size of a chunky salad plate - but for a two week trip, I think it's going to be a life-saver. I love that it has a magnified side (the only way I can properly mascara) and it cranks up so you can put it on a surface and not have to lean out of a window. (I'm kidding about that. Sort of.) 

I Did Not Buy The Stupidly Expensive Containers
Do those cute beehive-shaped magnetic containers follow you around the internet too? Don't Google "magnetic toiletry containers" whatever you do. Anyway, whenever I'm going on a big trip I lose my mind and search for THE PERFECT THINGS to streamline my crap and every time I end up just shoving everything I own in my toiletries bag and hoping for the best. This year I bought this set of tiny dropper bottles and they are perfect for serums and stuff you don't use a lot of but don't want to be without. So, if you currently have four different The Ordinary serums you're using, these are for you! I did have to make labels, though. 

That's it for today! If you have any recs for us, please leave a comment. 

1 comment:

  1. Just here to agree that Who Is Maud Dixon is a great read - nice and twisty!


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