Monday, January 2, 2012

Adrien: Outfit of the Day - Year in Review

I did an Outfit of the Day: Year in Review post last year and it's pretty amusing stuff so I thought, why not torture myself again and see what kind of questionable crap I managed to post online? What do you say, shall we?

Here are a few of my favorites from the past year:

...And, not so much:

So, what do you think? What did I get right? And wrong?


  1. I love Outfit #2 the most of alllll of them.

    And I also very much want to steal your red bag and your red shoes.

  2. I honestly like all your "not so much" outfits except for the 4th one. The cardigan was just too long with that skirt. Nothing terrible... just proportions weren't as flattering as they could be.

    That red LV bag really added some major color to your outfits! Love it!

  3. I love all of your favorites except the last one. Everything is so bulky it kind of overwhelms your small frame. For example, maybe your skinny jeans would have streamlined it a little more.

    I like most of your non-favorites, too. The 4th one makes you look a little school marm-ish and a couple more are just kind of blah. But I think anything you wear those t-straps with has to look good!

    I love this blog, it inspires me a lot, and I think I'd love to live wherever you do, the background always looks nice, too. Thanks for taking the time to take the photos and post them!

  4. There is literally not a single outfit on this page that I do not covet and wish I could wear even half as well as you do. Seriously -- 100% of them make me go "Oh, yeah."

    Happy New Year! I miss you!


  5. I love your honesty in doing a "worst of" as well as "best of" retrospective--you're the only fashion blogger I read who has done that. I actually love outfits 2 and 6 in the "not so much" category (that cardigan seems to make everything a little better). My favorite is definitely the very first photo: everyone needs a dress as flattering as that one, and the accessories are interesting, yet subtle enough to let the dress speak for itself. My one piece of advice would be to avoid wearing long cardigans with anything but pants. I just don't think it's a great look for anyone.

  6. Aw, thanks you guys! Such great comments. It is helpful to hear what you think of my choices because I'm still figuring it all out myself.

  7. The first two 'not so much' outfits are some of my favorites, but my hands down favorite is the animal print skirt with the red cardigan. Wowza!


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