Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Adrien: It's amazing I'm dressed at all.

Hey, remember this post where I went shopping but refused to actually try anything on? Well, I went back and bought that first dress I posted about (with a helpful 40% off coupon.) It fit like a glove - so sleek! Then I took it home and tried it on again and, um, couldn't sit down in it. Classic mistake. So I returned it for the next size up. Whew.

This morning I decided to wear it and I was running late. This is a really good plan, you guys. Definitely wear something untested on a day when you're already running late because here's what will happen:

  • put dress on.
  • realized tag is still in dress.
  • take dress off.
  • pull tag out, put dress on.
  • remove matching belt. 
  • scrounge around for leopard belt.
  • put on black shoes.
  • put all your stuff in structured black bag.
  • change mind about shoes.
  • three times.
  • realize dress has crease right across the middle.
  • plug in steam iron.
  • take off dress, steam out crease.
  • put dress back on.
  • leave house in brown sandals and black bag. Ugh.
  • shake fist at sky because it's COLD OUT and grudgingly ruin everything with gross black cardigan you find in the bottom of your work tote.
  • text home: "did I leave the iron on?"
  • wonder why anyone would ever read your blog or take advice from you about anything, much less style.

SO. Here is my expert style blogger advice: Get your ass out of bed on time. You are welcome.

Did I turn the iron off?

Almost positive I did.


dress: Banana Republic Julie Belted Sheath (another cute purple sheath dress)
belt: Target (similar)
shoes: Chie Mihara (similar)
bag: Pulicati (similar)
bracelets: Giles & Brother skinny railroad spike


  1. I don't imagine this is the last time I'll be checking your iron after you leave for work. The dress is fantastic!

  2. Love the dress.

    Your experience today sounds like a typical morning at my house, except my list usually includes spilling something, as well.

    1. I'm really surprised that didn't happen, to be honest.

  3. The dress looks fabulous on you. And yeah, black shoes :)

    1. Well, I like the shoes with the dress (though I think black would be good too) just not with the black bag. There is no winning.

  4. I LOVE and covet this dress. And the "did I turn off the iron" question is a constant in my life. haha You look fantastic, btw.

  5. I love how the neckline in the pic on Banana's site has absolutely nothing to do with reality. Did they pin it up there or something?

    No matter, I like it better in person anyway. :)

    1. Right? It's like they gathered up all the fabric and clipped it behind the model's head. Weird.

  6. You look soooo good in that dress!

  7. I love that dress. I would have guessed you have time to spare.
    The shoes and the cardigan are the time sinks that kill my every morning. I am a off the cuff mood accessorizer. Even if I know what I am wearing I can't commit on the details until I am about to walk out the door. It is my greatest downfall.


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