Thursday, September 6, 2012

Adrien: The Magic is Fading.

Oh you guys, it might be time to retire my magic dress. It's getting a little ratty looking but I keep wearing it. I don't want to be that girl! I have three of this dress and I've worn the crap out of them and it might be time to  put them to rest and hope the next season's crop of cheap-ass Target dresses are as good. Oh, Target. You are are the best.

Also, I am not 100% thrilled with how I'm looking in this photo, but I always think flat sandals make me look a bit stumpy, even if they are the best flat sandals in the world, which they are.

dress: Target (similar) (another cute polka dot dress)
sandals: Ann Taylor (similar gold sandal) (I like these too)
cardigan: Ann Taylor (similar)
bag: Vintage Louis Vuitton (similar red satchel, inexpensive) (similar, spendy)
bracelet: Giles & Brother skinny railroad spike cuff


  1. RIP, magic dress. I just realized I didn't wear mine on the blog, not once this whole summer. They are around the house/pool dresses now.

  2. Meet my Magic Dress:
    I had two (green and orange) last fall/winter that I probably wore at least once a week with tights and boots. They are so comfy and colorful. Not in stores, but worth the risk of ordering online! I'm having a hard time choosing a new color to get this year... maybe pink or grey.

    1. Julia, thank you! That definitely looks like it has promise to be a fall/winter magic dress for me. How's the sizing?

  3. It's pretty typical for Target/Mossimo sizing, runs a little smaller than other stores though. I normally wear a 16/XL at other stores, but the XXL in this is perfect.

  4. I know the feeling. The dress has served it purpose. It can retire into "loungewear/around the house/occasionally might fall asleep wearing it" status.

  5. I hate it when a favorite fashion item has to be "put down." I fear I have a beloved pair of jeans that are now only appropriate for gardening in, and I don't have a garden.

  6. I have Julia's dress in Orange and I love it!


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