Thursday, October 25, 2012

Adrien: BP Trolley Boot Review & A Sweater You Need.

I've bought two things lately that I really love, like, A LOT. And I thought I'd tell you about them. First, I really, really wanted to buy the Vince Camuto boots that Marianne has but they seem to be sold out in black everywhere they are for sale, which is... two places. This makes no sense to me, but okay, Vince Camuto, I didn't want to give you my money anyway.

Anyway, a few weeks ago Kate and I went to Nordstrom and I found these:

They are inexpensive and cute and they totally fill the Rag & Bone Newbury-shaped hole in my soul. I bought them in my regular size and then read all the online reviews about sizing up and got paranoid that maybe I bought the wrong size. Dammit. I'm not going to wear them out until I've at least tried the next half-size up JUST IN CASE. I should never read reviews after the fact. But, they are cute as hell and I'll wear them in an outfit as soon as the temperature drops a bit.

The other thing I bought is something I am going to live in this winter. It's the perfect drape-y soft sweater tunic thing from Ann Taylor and it's very on sale right this second so go get one! Trust! It was marked down (much less than the website price) and they have an extra 30% off in store right now! Seriously, go.

When I first pulled it off the rack I thought, "Well! This will for sure look like complete shit on me" but you guys, it didn't. It it fitted at the top and then just sort of glides out and covers all the bits you'd want covered if you were, say, wearing it with leggings. (Which are not pants so you need your business covered.) It's beautifully ass-skimming and very soft but not mumsy because of the deep v-neck. God, maybe I need a second one in another color. Anyway, you; are welcome.

What have you bought this fall that you're excited about?


  1. Thanks for posting about this sweater! I've been looking for something exactly like this! Will head to the store to check it out soon :)

  2. I love Ann Taylor and just recently demonstrated that (at 30% off) in a big way. I don't remember seeing this, but ... might have to take a look today!

  3. I just wanted to let you know that I saw this post, liked this sweater, went to AT, saw this sweater (in maroon) all nice and marked-down on the rack, tried it on, and bought it! When does that ever happen?

    Very pleased since I had been undecided about leggings (am I too old? too short?) and this is a good length to take the plunge. Looks great with "skinny" pants too.


    1. Excellent! I'm really glad it worked out for you. I'll be wearing it in an outfit tomorrow so everyone can tell me if it works or if I'm delusional.

  4. I need to see these boots in an outfit. I am feeling wanty about the brown ones, but... I need to see what they look like in an outfit. Please?


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