Thursday, May 3, 2018

Stuff I Like: Reading, Listening, Slapping On, Goldblum.

This novel about reincarnation that actually makes me lol.
I am currently reading a book called Reincarnation Blues which I found sort of randomly on my local library's website and it sounded quirky and so far I totally love it. It's described as, "A wildly imaginative novel about a man who is reincarnated over ten thousand lifetimes to be with his one true love: Death herself." Now, I obviously haven't finished it but so far I've found it really entertaining and thoughtful and it has also made me snort-laugh once or twice which is pretty rare.

This fictional podcast that is a fun diversion.
Y'all know I love the SRSLY podcast and they recently recommended Sandra, a fictional podcast about a woman who works as a Siri-type helper. It's voiced by Kristin Wiig and Alia Shawkat and so far I'm intrigued. My only dislikes: the episodes are too short and the integrated ads are really annoying. I'm about halfway though at this point and it's refreshing to listen to a fictional podcast for a change. Oh! And Marianne is enjoying Gimlet's other new podcast The Habitat which I have queued up and ready to go.

This eyeshadow stuff which I expected to hate but really love.
Y'all I ordered the RMS Eye Polish in Magnetic fully expecting to hate it. So many people complain about it creasing and whatnot but you know what? I freaking love this stuff. Yes, it does crease a bit but so does everything else I put on my eyes and the color is gorgeous - a sheer glowy wash of purply-taupe color. I also love that it doesn't irritate my eyes like some shimmer stuff does. Anyway, it's beautiful on and very natural and yeah. I'm sold.

This video which has improved my day immensely:

How is it possible that Jeff Goldblum just gets hotter and more charming with age? It's witchcraft.


  1. That video made my day, and it's my birthday, so the bar was pretty high. :-)

    1. I was giggling at my desk. Happy Birthday!

  2. Also this:


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