Thursday, June 27, 2019

Stuff I Like: Reading, Listening, Wearing, Watching.

Time for a new Stuff I Like post! I have some good suggestions this week but I'm always open to your suggestions as well, so please leave a comment and let us know what you've been liking lately. (We're totally suggestible.)

This Book That Was Exactly What I Needed.
I have the feeling that I'm maybe the last person to have heard of News of the World but I discovered it while browsing by library's Kindle book selections and it just sounded exactly like something I'd love. It's a post-civil war novel about an elderly widow who's tasked with returning a young orphan to her family after she was "rescued" from the Indian tribe who kidnapped her. It's beautifully written, easy to fall into and just a really good story. It reminds me a little bit of Cold Mountain, which if you haven't read the book, I also highly recommend.

Also! for the Kate Atkinson fans, the new Jackson Brodie novel has been released! I am about a third of the way through so I am not ready to review it but so far it doesn't disappoint.

This Podcast That Doesn't Stress Me Out
Sometimes I get a to a point where all my usual podcasts stress me out - they're either current events/politics or hate-listens or just too much of whatever and I need something that has nothing to do with real life. That's where Shedunnit comes in. It's a podcast by Caroline Crampton (recently of SRSLY, my favorite defunct pop culture podcast) and bills itself as, “the podcast that unravels the mysteries behind classic detective stories." I like class detective mysteries but it doesn't matter if you aren't! She tells great stories, often about real-life cases that inspired mystery writers and it's, as the title suggests, very women-centric. A well-researched and comforting listen that I highly recommend.

This Swimsuit Marianne Loves
"Stuff I Like" is not supposed to be about clothes but Marianne just bought a swimsuit she really loves and that's worth it's weight in gold, so I'm telling you about immediately. It's not inexpensive but good swimwear usually isn't. Her description: "Great boob support without looking like the prow of a ship and not all compression-y with weird ruching or anything. Just a nice suit!" I've linked to it on Zappos and I also found this version which has two knots and is slightly less expensive. (Also here on Amazon.)

This Season of Fleabag That Is Unhinging Us Both ðŸ¦Š
Have you watched Fleabag? Have you WATCHED SEASON 2? It came out a little while ago and Marianne and I both watched it recently and we are COMPLETELY OBSESSED and basically it's all we've been texting about. We can't even post our convos because SPOILERS. So please watch it all real quick-like so we can post about it. It's devastating and hot as hell and hilarious all at once. Phoebe Waller-Bridge is the genius hero we needed and definitely deserved.


  1. The first season of Fleabag made me cringe A LOT. The second season was absolutely perfect. "Kneel." Swoon. I just finished What We Do In The Shadows. It was hilarious.

  2. I am ready for Fleabag as soon as I finish GLOW. Which is so amazing.


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