Thursday, September 16, 2021

BUY THIS (Because We Totally Did): Madewell Insider Event.

 FINALLY.  It only happens a few times a year but Madewell is offering 25% off everything to Star and Icon level Insiders (and 20% off for Insiders.) This applies to pretty much everything, including denim and leather jackets. It also applies to all the pants Marianne reviewed! I had the Griff Tapered Fatigue Pants waiting in my cart ready to go:

If I had my way, I'd also have added in this beautiful olive leather jacket that makes me want to weep:

And this very cool bag in a beautiful color and the cool strap:

And a pair of these excellent lug soled boots:

And maybe this oversized gauze blouse in a very autumnal color:

But I just got the pants, okay? I am A PILLAR OF RESTRAINT. 


  1. Wow, you really are a pillar of restraint! I wholeheartedly encourage you to buy that leather jacket. Do you know how hard it is to find a nice green leather jacket? I almost bought one 6 years ago, and have regretted not doing it ever since.

  2. Lol I've had the large transport camera bag in cabernet in my cart for 2 months and today pulled the trigger because I am weak. I justified it with the fact that I used some rewards that expire next month, I couldn't let those go to waste!

  3. Did you see the washed oversized leather jacket? I totally want that one. I wish it came in a color other than black though.

    1. I did, but I already have a black leather jacket so I was less tempted. I do love an oversized look, though.

  4. Madewell has my NUMBER. I have been trying so hard to resist but only bc I have been decluttering and I don’t want to accumulate more unless I am basically dying for it. THOSE BOOTS AND THAT JACKET ARE KILLING ME.


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