Thursday, April 21, 2022

Stuff We Like: Hey, it's April Already.

Hello! It's been nearly a month since our last Stuff We Like, so here's some more stuff for you to watch, listen to and buy (and by "buy" I mean, "enrich your life" obviously. Sheesh.) Here we go:

This Podcast Marianne Highly Recommends.
When Marianne first told me about the Normal Gossip podcast I was like, why would I want to hear gossip about people I don't know? Turns out, I TOTALLY WANT TO HEAR GOSSIP ABOUT PEOPLE I DON'T KNOW. Normal Gossip presents a juicy friend-of-a-friend story every episode and it's so ridiculously entertaining and fun. It's one of those podcasts where I talk out loud while listening like, "GIRL. THAT IS A RED FLAG."  Also, the guests are great! So far my favorites have been Sam Sanders (It's Been A Minute) and Laci Mosley (Scam Goddess.) 

This Blanket That You Need For Yourself.
We are getting a new sofa so I used that as an excuse to retire our truly sad sofa throw blankets. After searching around for something more elegant, I bought this faux fur ombre throw from West Elm with, I'll be honest, fairly low expectations. It arrived earlier this week and now I basically have to fight everyone, including the cats, to wrap its soft softness around me. It's looks luxurious and expensive and feels like you're surrounded by baby bunnies. It's on sale right now! Go get one and hide it for your own personal use. 

This Scrub That Will Make You Glow
I swear I'd mentioned Saturday Skin Rub-A-Dub Refining Peel Gel (on sale at Anthro!) on the blog but I can't find it so maybe I just imagined it. Anyway, I got this this scrub (peel, whatever) in an Allure box ages ago and it's freaking amazing. It's not harsh or gritty, instead the product kind of balls up into soft little bits and takes your flakes with it while you (gently!) rub it around your face. I use it once a week and it really helps a with the flakiness caused by tretinoin and leaves me with smooth, glowing skin without irritation. (Other reviews will claim the balls of stuff are dead skin but it's just the product. People are so dramatic.) 

This Show You Really Should Watch
Have you watched Life & Beth yet? Y'all, it's a slow burn (I wasn't sure I liked it at first) but it's the kind of show you'll think about for weeks after you watch it. Amy Schumer pulls from her own life to make a show that's both tragic and funny and full of amazing talent. Michael Rapaport is outstanding as her father and there are some bit parts (MRI DJ) that still make me laugh just to think about. Even if you're not a huge Amy Schumer fan, this one is not to be missed. 

This Kindle Hack Marianne Discovered
Y'all. Y'ALL. If you have a Kindle with ads, this is going to change your life. Are you super tired of getting creepy ads for Bossy Billionaire Grump or whatever? Did you know you can just pay $20 to Amazon and they will switch you over to an ad-free Kindle? This way, when you open your Kindle case your book is just THERE WAITING FOR YOU. It's magical. And, if you're considering buying a Kindle, just go for the ad-free version. Pay the extra money now because, trust me, you'll end up doing it later. (Your Account > Content and Devices > Devices > Kindle > Special Offers > Click Remove Offers button)


  1. ALSO, if you are not inclined to pay $20.00, you can get on chat and ask them to do it (I have done this with two now) and tell them that the ads are inappropriate/annoying/whatever and they will either straight up do it for free, or charge you the $20 and then refund it!

  2. Welp, binged all of Normal Gossip and now angry there isn't more.


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