Friday, September 10, 2010

Adrien: My Best/Worst Purchases of the Summer.

Like Marianne, the shopping ban has forced me to reexamine my closet and really think about what's working and what's not. I bought a few things this summer that have been such amazingly good additions and have worked seamlessly into my summer wardrobe as if they've always been there. Here is what I'm so glad I bought:

I think I wore these Ann Taylor sandals more than any other pair I own. They are cute, comfortable and were an absolute steal.

These LOFT dresses (I have two) ended up being my super favorite summer dress:

Easy to dress up or down, machine washable and no ironing needed. Perfect.

My Marc Jacobs Blake was definitely my favorite bag purchase of the summer even though it's probably more of a fall/winter color. I don't care, it's a year-round bag for me:

And here is what I wish I'd passed on:

Are you surprised? I know, I know, I really do love this skirt and I've worn it on the blog a few times, but it never...quite....felt like me. I don't even know how else to describe it but it like it belongs in someone else's closet. Also, I don't love how it fits my waist and feel like it's not really flattering on me. Anyway, to eBay it goes...

Remember these from Old Navy?

My "easy" summer dresses? Yeah, they fit fine and looked cute but were not easy after all. A cheap cotton dress should not require ironing and the hem flipped up on them no matter what I did. Annoying.

I also regret this LOFT top:

I've worn it exactly one time. I probably should have trusted my instincts and not bought a white top because I just don't generally wear white, but the sales associate convinced me it was great. I should have realized it wouldn't get much love.

So that's my list! Sometimes I feel like I already knew an item was not for me and I bought it anyway just because I wanted to buy something. But, sometimes the reverse happens and you find that an impulse purchase turns out to be the perfect thing! You win some, you lose some.


  1. I'd like to see a group in RVA do a shopping ban together. And maybe do the 6 item challenge.

  2. Ooh, I should have added those two flutter-sleeved Old Navy dresses to my "worst" category. Two shrank terribly, one stretched out and is huge on me. Awesome!

  3. Together* bad fingers typing on my Droid

  4. Well, if it's any consolation, that white top looks great on you. It shows off your shoulders nicely.

  5. I would definitely be up for an RVA no shopping challenge. I need someone to be accountable to and publicly shame me if I falter:-)

  6. You guys can go crazy with an RVA shopping ban but I will tell you on October 1st I am OUT. Also, the six-item challenge gives me hives, but I will buy the popcorn if you want to do it, Chic Armoir.

  7. I have been reluctant to mention my general feelings about Anthropologie, knowing how you guys love it.... But this post gives me an excuse. Ever since I found out they were owned by the same company as Urban Outfitters, everything started to make sense. The cool designs on shitty fabric, the way nothing quite hangs right on an actual moving human body, the indian-sweatshop-style craftsmanship -- Anthro is just more expensive UO. Now when I go in it just all look like outrageously pricey crap. Think of this during your worst chopping ban pangs....

  8. Honestly, I don't really love Anthro that much anymore. I *want* to love it, but more and more the vintage details I liked are being overtaken by frills and ruffles and rosettes galore. I'm finding that most of it just doesn't fit in with my style. And hoooboy, is it every overpriced.

    And yeah, you make a really good point about the sweatshop aspect, but I am under no delusions that most of what I buy is made in a sweatshop somewhere.

  9. Same, I can always find select things I like from Anthro but on the whole most of it does not appeal. I do think that they have good sales, at least.

  10. The white top is slick and looks great on you. *Very* flattering, esp. as a part of that particular outfit. KEEP.

  11. I like the freshness of the white top! :) KEEP x2

  12. I love reading about these best and worst purchases! I want to do something similar. It is very smart particularly as the season is ending.

  13. Jess, do it! It really makes you think harder about future purchases.


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