Thursday, September 16, 2010

Marianne: Olé.

Part of cleaning out my closet and reevaluating my current wardrobe has meant wearing things I haven't worn in a long, long time. I figure, if clothes don't fit, or I don't want to wear them, then I need to really figure out why I'm holding on to them. One-of-a-kind skirt I bought in Paris? Okay, that one's getting handed down to Lulu. But what about the alarming number of items that I apparently bought when I was going through my Cantina Period?
Exhibit A. I look like I should be slinging chips and queso at Señor Taco. To try and downplay the Tijuana-ness of it all I threw on an old sweater that doesn't go at all. Because WHY NOT.
And what a sweater can't fix, maybe a belt can? Boots? HOW DO I MAKE THIS NOT LOOK LIKE A HALLOWEEN COSTUME?
The effect is not nearly as dramatic in pictures, I promise you. At least Lulu liked the boots.

dress: tag ripped out in a fit of pique, no-name from T.J. Maxx (not even trying to find similar)
sweater: ancient Tommy Hilfiger that I replaced the buttons on (similar here)
belt: LOFT (similar here)
boots: vintage Justins (similar here)


  1. Hey, I think you look cute! I especially like the last photo. Can I have another margarita please?

  2. I really like it! I don't think you look like you should be slinging queso at all. I think you look cute! :)

  3. I don't think you look Ole at all! Of course I love mariachi music so what do I know? ;)

    Seriously, that dress is very cute!


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