Thursday, September 16, 2010

Adrien: School Uniform.

So, you know those mornings when the idea of picking out something to wear just seems way too complicated? This is usually start thinking with nostalgia about the private school uniform I wore in high school, because, man, that was easy. White shirt, ugly kilt, white socks, brown tie shoes. Good to go. There are days I still wish I could just wear a uniform to work and save myself the 20 minutes of what-to-wear agony.  This particular morning I was feeling like that and I reached for one of the easiest dresses I own:

It's from Ross and I think I paid $15 for it. I wish I had twenty of them because it's so comfortable, so easy to wear, so unfussy. Just throw it on and go. I've posted photos of this dress several times and I wasn't going to bother again but my husband insisted so, eh. Here it is again:

I was pleased to see that the other, uh, three times I've worn this dress on the blog I managed to do something slightly different with each outfit, so that's something anyway.

So tell me, Internet people. What's your easy "uniform" item?

dress: Enfocus Studio (similar)
cardigan: Talbots charming cardigan
sandals: Ann Taylor (similar)
bag: Marc Jacobs (similar)


  1. I wore a uniform for middle/high school too! Hated it at the time, really miss it now.

    My uniform? I guess jeans, t-shirt, cardigan, heels. You can tell when I'm wearing it that I just couldn't think that morning.

  2. My uniform is probably my go-to black or purple dress and my sandals. I'll have to mix it up for fall, I guess.


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