Thursday, September 2, 2010

Marianne: Before the Ban

You guys...I'm a little worried about Adrien. Something tells me this shopping ban is, um, hurting her brain place.
But anyway, before the shopping ban, I also bought myself a little something. A local department store had these amazingly soft French Sole leopard flats on sale or 50% off. 50%!! I decided that if they still had my size (7.5) on pay day (8 days away, woe), I would snap them up. And they DID and I DID and they are SO GOOD.
Please note my utterly boring outfit, and the fact that I cut my feet off in this shot. The next two pictures are increasingly more awkward as I try to make sure my dang new shoes get in the picture. What is wrong with my face?
I give up. Here:
These are seriously the most comfortable flats I've ever owned. They are so buttery soft that they feel like slippers. Worth the angst. And a fitting end to this summer's shopping spree, don't you think?

Jeans: Ralph Lauren (similar here)
Cardigan: Limited (similar here)
Cowl Neck: Old Navy (similar here)
Necklace: anthropologie Double Torsade (similar here)

I'll be holding a candlelight vigil for Adrien later if anyone is interested.


  1. I totally agree! Good for you! I have some leopard flats from target that are just that comfy. Love them!

  2. There is nothing wrong with your face! Love the outfit, especially the shoes. I put on my Target leopard flats last night and got instant shin splints. I think it's because they don't have ANY arch supports in them and I'm having problems with shin splints anyway. But I think it's going to mean that I'm going to need to invest in some new ones. Boo! And also, Yay!

  3. I bought the same French Sole flats in the same print at the same department store for the same half off deal! LOVE them. I have been wanting a pair for awhile, and when I saw they were half off AND in leopard AND in my size, then I was sold. They are SO comfortable. Like wearing slippers outside the house. LOVE!


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