Thursday, May 10, 2012

Marianne: Happy birthday to meeeee.

 So, I might have a birthday coming up. And I might have a seriously lovely friend who sent me this seriously lovely dress for said birthday. Isn't it pretty?

This is the Four Corners Shirt Dress from anthropologie, and it's on sale for $69.95 right this very second. It got very mixed reviews, but I can tell you it's a lovely dress and incredibly comfortable. One of those dresses you wear all summer long. I want it in black as well.

The buttons are so cute, but are also my only complaint. It comes unbuttoned rather easily and has to be watched carefully. Unless you are that kind of girl.

Lulu would like you to know that her dress is from H&M and that pink is her favorite color.

The back of the dress is especially pretty, don't you think? It dips a bit lower and has lovely pleating. Don't you think it's the perfect early birthday present?


  1. STOP. When is your birthday, birthday hider?! LET ME PREPARE!

    1. Also, that dress is superfantastic on you. :)

    2. You silly goose. It's Saturday!

  2. What a great friend! Super dress.

  3. THat is an excellent bday present! You look gorgeous! So does the little one!

  4. You should wear that color every day, seriously. Gorgeous!

  5. Happy birthday! Dress is cute and looks great on you, and fab with the shoes.

  6. I am the best. And you look pretty!

  7. I've had the coming-unbuttoned problem with dresses that button all the way down the front too. I have two suggestions:

    1. If you're a sewer, button the lower buttons and then sew that part of the dress closed so that it can't come open anymore.

    2. Invest in some really cute underwear and pretend it's intentional. You'll be all over the streetstyle blogs in no time!

    --Sarah M.

  8. That last picture is gorgeous! Love it! I have a somewhat similiar version from about 4 years ago in blue and love it. I used to wear it frequently and then hadn't in forever but pulled it out about 2 months ago and it has seen frequent use.


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